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Thread: Alpha Flight Villains

  1. #91
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
    Garry/Al-Fan's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    The Washington DC area

    Default First, do no harm

    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    Ummm...once again Garry your relying on how he was portrayed back in the day [That's all there is. Why is it that no subsequent Editor/Editor in Chief/Writer or Marvel comic brought back Lionel Jeffries' Scramble? G/A-F], as even Oeming stated in a recent interview there are no bad characters only bad writers. Also how does that even relate to Lionel Jeffries as character as you mentioned was continunity errors not character problems.

    New writer can easily fix those "issues and concerns"
    King Mungi, at the risk of getting more personal than I'd like, you seem to be arguing this pitiful point just for the sake of arguing. The Scramble story-arc violates most of the rules of good fiction: plausible plotting, consistent characterization, logical storytelling. So far, you have said nothing that proves that the Scramble story-arc meets any of these criteria.

    If you re-read my original post, I am dead-set against the return of Lionel Jeffries. I didn't say a damn thing about being against someone else being Scramble.

    If you feel as strongly about bringing back Lionel Jeffries as I do about leaving him dead, his story told, finished, and done, then write that perfect story that makes Lionel equivalent to The Joker, Lex Luthor, or Dr. Doom. Don't pass it on to Michael Avon Oeming to do this. If you believe in Lionel Jeffries being a great super-villian, than write the story that proves this. Convince MARVEL to commit a 40,000 to 160,000 print run featuring Lionel Jeffries as the greatest super-villian ever. And since it's a perfect story, it should be able to take down Civil War and surpass Justice.

    AF# 30: The doctors and staff at Montreal General Hospital didn't seem to be finding a cure for Lionel, but at least they had the good sense not to get close enough for him to touch them. Finally, after Lionel has used his power to disfigure his brother, Madison has Lionel's hands touching his helmet, not Lionel's skin, so who was actually brain-pattening who? Since it was a one-on-one fight and none of the other members of Alpha Flight witnessed it, they only have Madison's word that Lionel has cured himself. There were no hospital staff opening their mouths, one way or the other, about the validity of this. Lastly, Northstar---who had been giving Heather non-stop grief about her powerlessness and lack of credibility as their leader---not only says, "So you will recommence your career as a surgeon--using your strange power to heal others as you healed yourself?," he doesn't have any objections to Madison asking Lionel to join Alpha Flight, even though Madison himself, at that time, was not a member.

    Why don't you fix it, King Mungi?
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  2. #92


    Quote Originally Posted by jay042
    One potential villian to consider bringing back is Horatio Huxley from Volume 2. He was treated as a buffoon near the end, but he would make a great mad scientist and recurring baddie. He was presented as one of the most brilliant men in the field of metahuman research. Since volume 2 ended with him cut loose and without govermental support, seems likely he might offer his skills to the highest bidder.
    He was last seen working for S.H.I.E.L.D in Joe Casey's shortlived Deathlok series.

    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    What about the zodiac? they where good in vol 2 mostly with the mystery involving them and the link to director H.
    They were all killed by Weapon X in WX #1, where they 'liberated' Jeffries.

  3. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil
    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    What about the zodiac? they where good in vol 2 mostly with the mystery involving them and the link to director H.
    They were all killed by Weapon X in WX #1, where they 'liberated' Jeffries.
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  4. #94

    Default Re: First, do no harm

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan
    King Mungi, at the risk of getting more personal than I'd like, you seem to be arguing this pitiful point just for the sake of arguing. The Scramble story-arc violates most of the rules of good fiction: plausible plotting, consistent characterization, logical storytelling. So far, you have said nothing that proves that the Scramble story-arc meets any of these criteria.

    If you re-read my original post, I am dead-set against the return of Lionel Jeffries. I didn't say a damn thing about being against someone else being Scramble.

    If you feel as strongly about bringing back Lionel Jeffries as I do about leaving him dead, his story told, finished, and done, then write that perfect story that makes Lionel equivalent to The Joker, Lex Luthor, or Dr. Doom. Don't pass it on to Michael Avon Oeming to do this. If you believe in Lionel Jeffries being a great super-villian, than write the story that proves this. Convince MARVEL to commit a 40,000 to 160,000 print run featuring Lionel Jeffries as the greatest super-villian ever. And since it's a perfect story, it should be able to take down Civil War and surpass Justice.

    AF# 30: The doctors and staff at Montreal General Hospital didn't seem to be finding a cure for Lionel, but at least they had the good sense not to get close enough for him to touch them. Finally, after Lionel has used his power to disfigure his brother, Madison has Lionel's hands touching his helmet, not Lionel's skin, so who was actually brain-pattening who? Since it was a one-on-one fight and none of the other members of Alpha Flight witnessed it, they only have Madison's word that Lionel has cured himself. There were no hospital staff opening their mouths, one way or the other, about the validity of this. Lastly, Northstar---who had been giving Heather non-stop grief about her powerlessness and lack of credibility as their leader---not only says, "So you will recommence your career as a surgeon--using your strange power to heal others as you healed yourself?," he doesn't have any objections to Madison asking Lionel to join Alpha Flight, even though Madison himself, at that time, was not a member.

    Why don't you fix it, King Mungi?
    eh? your the one getting defensive, all I said was a possible new writer could give new life in it..nothing more. Once again the old was bad, the new could be great. Why are you getting upset?

    No I know you said that and I said that's fine, I even said you don't have to pick it up if you don't want to. Ok, I never said a damn thing about someone else being Scramble

    eh? this thread was pointing out possible villians for the team to come across, I just mentioned a villian no one else mentioned yet. I'm completly impartial if he came back or not, and all I said with his powers he possibly could have the ability to make a plausable return. What are you talking about?...I never even vouched that strongly for Lionel, all I said was a new writer can make a character that had a poor background, which has been done before into a great character.

    Your to high strung, I never made a personal comment about you. Also I even said you don't have to pick it up if you don't want too.

  5. #95


    Scramble with the right writer could well return, but given the amount of baggage he carries, bad wrting etc, the fact he's dead and prolly rotten in his grave, no real reason to bring him back etc given Maddies current status. Then it's prolly better he stay in his grave.

    We would be better off discussing Gilded Lily and Diablo. That way we would avoid any unecessary angst.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  6. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by DelBubs
    Scramble with the right writer could well return, but given the amount of baggage he carries, bad wrting etc, the fact he's dead and prolly rotten in his grave, no real reason to bring him back etc given Maddies current status. Then it's prolly better he stay in his grave.

    We would be better off discussing Gilded Lily and Diablo. That way we would avoid any unecessary angst.
    Hey even members of Alpha Flight carry a great deal of baggage..unfourtnately that's why most were "taken care of" in New Avengers #16 so a new writer could start fresh.

  7. #97


    Garry, Mungi...

    Agree to disagree and take it to PM.

    No more arguing here.

  8. #98


    That's fine, I didn't even know it was a serious discussion anyways. I'm good.

  9. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil
    Garry, Mungi...

    Agree to disagree and take it to PM.

    No more arguing here.
    Do they really need to go to the Prime Minister? We can solve it here, no?

    Quote Originally Posted by DelBubs
    We would be better off discussing Gilded Lily and Diablo. That way we would avoid any unecessary angst. Wink Speak to the hand Silenced
    As long as we don't bring back Pink Pearl and that awful circus. I agree. Ok, I don't agree, I don't like Diablo, I don't want to see him too.
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  10. #100
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    Do they really need to go to the Prime Minister? We can solve it here, no?

    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    As long as we don't bring back Pink Pearl and that awful circus. I agree. Ok, I don't agree, I don't like Diablo, I don't want to see him too.
    I wasn't a fan of Diablo either, but seeing as OF is to be going up against mystical threats the Big D would fit the bill.

  11. #101


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd
    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    Do they really need to go to the Prime Minister? We can solve it here, no?
    That was a joke but what PM means?

    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    As long as we don't bring back Pink Pearl and that awful circus. I agree. Ok, I don't agree, I don't like Diablo, I don't want to see him too.
    I wasn't a fan of Diablo either, but seeing as OF is to be going up against mystical threats the Big D would fit the bill.[/quote]

    I never liked him, thought he come out as a joke more often than not. Spain really need a better villain.
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  12. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd
    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    Do they really need to go to the Prime Minister? We can solve it here, no?
    That was a joke but what PM means?

    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    As long as we don't bring back Pink Pearl and that awful circus. I agree. Ok, I don't agree, I don't like Diablo, I don't want to see him too.
    I wasn't a fan of Diablo either, but seeing as OF is to be going up against mystical threats the Big D would fit the bill.
    I never liked him, thought he come out as a joke more often than not. Spain really need a better villain.[/quote]

    PM is 'Private Message' Sylvie. As for Diablo, it's pretty much what's been said already, written properly he is a worthy adversary for anyone. Plus he has never managed to defeat AF, so has plenty of reason for revenge.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  13. #103


    Quote Originally Posted by DelBubs

    PM is 'Private Message' Sylvie. As for Diablo, it's pretty much what's been said already, written properly he is a worthy adversary for anyone. Plus he has never managed to defeat AF, so has plenty of reason for revenge.
    D'Oh! I can't seem to remember remember that. It's not the first time, I've been told. Damn, I've got alzheimer

    yeah, diablo can me interesting, but he really need to have a costume change and he need a pretty good writer. Like in really, really good.
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  14. #104
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
    Garry/Al-Fan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The Washington DC area

    Default I did get too defensive. Sorry, King Mungi.

    I just would like comic books to have more of a beginning, middle, and end, not an endless series of implausible story-arcs that resolve little or nothing. At least after 20+ issues, the Lionel/Scramble story-arc came to an end. Hopefully.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

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