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Thread: update

  1. #1

    Default update

    Hey all, sorry I haven't been around last couple of days.

    Thursday night I was at my girlfriend's place watching a movie and got a sore belly. By the time I got home it was really bad, and an hour later I was almost in tears. I went to the doctor in the morning, and then was sent to the hospital. Seems I got me a case of accute appendicitis, so the took the little bastard out, and now I'm in recovery.

    All this one year minues a day from my putting a chainsaw into my eye!


  2. #2
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    Kansas City, Missouri


    Glad to hear you're feeling better Ben. Sooooo, did you get to keep your appendix?

  3. #3


    eesh...I hope you're feeling better and soon!
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  4. #4


    Well, I had my appendix out once, but that was about 7 years ago. Of course, unlike Ben, it turned out I didn't need it out, I just had an exceptionally long appendix and it was caught in a muscle group, but they took it out anyway.

    Since then, I've never had a bad sore throat but on the other hand I still can't do much serious exercise without going through 2+ weeks of back pain because my abdiminal muscle group is too damaged.

    Hopefully Ben, all is just plain good news for you now on in!
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  5. #5
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    So, Ben, what've you got planned for next year?

  6. #6


    Thanks all.

    Legerd: Nope, no appendix in a jar for me. For some reason they frown on you taking parts or your intestine home...

    ladymako71: It lives!!!! where he heck have you been?

    Mokole: Hopefully I won't have complications like that, My stomach muscles are pretty week at this point. Makes you realize just how much you use ' for blowing yer nose.

    Le Messor: Next year I'm thinking of something exotic, like a lobotomy, or maybe an amputation of some sort. My girlfriend said she's gonna take out a life insurance plan on me


  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Thanks all

    ladymako71: It lives!!!! where he heck have you been?

    Jo has been in similar straights with boycotting intestines...only I didn't get any bits of mine chopped out...then there's that b*tch by the name of 'real life' that's been wreaking havok on me. ^^

    I'm just hoping that when she takes on the policy on ya she goes for full tilt big bucks. ^^
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  8. #8


    Jo has been in similar straights with boycotting intestines...only I didn't get any bits of mine chopped out...then there's that b*tch by the name of 'real life' that's been wreaking havok on me. ^^
    Real life? What is that?
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    Real life? What is that?
    Real life is this ugly dimension of the universe where people don't have fun...avoid at all costs if possible. ^^
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  10. #10


    Oh wow, good thing you went to go get help. Hope you feel better soon.

  11. #11


    Ben, when you get sick you do it with style. Glad to know you're all a-ok now, but what an unpleasant thing to have to go through. Next year, aim for something a little less dramatic - maybe a vasectomy.

  12. #12


    Thanks Seng. I got the stitches out today (the ones on the surface that is) and had them replaced with steri-strips. The wound has since opened up a bit, so I'm looking at a day on my back infront of the tube tomorrow


  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Thanks all.

    Legerd: Nope, no appendix in a jar for me. For some reason they frown on you taking parts or your intestine home...

    ladymako71: It lives!!!! where he heck have you been?

    Mokole: Hopefully I won't have complications like that, My stomach muscles are pretty week at this point. Makes you realize just how much you use ' for blowing yer nose.

    Le Messor: Next year I'm thinking of something exotic, like a lobotomy, or maybe an amputation of some sort. My girlfriend said she's gonna take out a life insurance plan on me

    EEK! Ben, don't even put that out into the universe! Glad to hear you're doing better. I still have my :P LOL!


  14. #14


    Glad to hear you're doing well! Just a couple points here. If you do decide to go amputation next year, don't use the chainsaw from last year! And if you take Seng's advice, you may wish to consult your girlfriend first, otherwise she may collect on the life insurance policy sooner than later. You've probably earned a few days in front of the tube, so take it easy!


  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    My girlfriend said she's gonna take out a life insurance plan on me Ben
    Just make sure it's not too -big- a policy.

    The way you're health is going, you don't want her tempted to collect...

    - Le Messor
    "My brother had a brilliant idea about cutting his toenails with a scythe, and his foot fell off."
    - Blackadder

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