Poll: Would you sign the Superpowers Registration Act?

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Thread: Would You Sign The Superpowers Registration Act?

  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Kumori
    But can we at least agree on the fact that Wanda is a nutcase?

    For the masks, I mean Black Panther-gone. Wolverine - sorry no mask. Unless you have a specific reason (like Deadpool) then all headgear must be illegal. I like that idea :3. Saves the world a giant crossover riot.
    No doubt Wanda is a nutcase. She has been since losing her children way back in the Scarlet Witch/Vision limited series.
    "Well, the only person talking about love today is the preacher. And it seems noboday gets just all the learning but the teacher."

    The Temptations "Ball of Confusion"

  2. #62


    Yep the woman has lost her mind...what a waste of a perfectly good mutant...
    "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Barnacle13
    Absolute power corrupts absolutely! I absolutely think Tony Stark has been granted absolute power and is absolutely headed towards absolute corruption.

    In a way this reminds me of Orson Scott Card's Enderverse. Take a few Battle School graduates (superheroes) and bring them back to Earth. Soon every nation that has a graduate is looking at ways to expand their borders and influence. And one such graduate Achilles (Iron Man) decides to kidnap Ender's entire jeesh and press them into his scheme to rule the world. Countries with superhumans collecting them into an army has to have ramification around the world far more reaching than border crossings. A paranoid China or Muslim world should be moving to counter this build up of super soldiers. We can only hope that if the Marvel universe heads in this direction Talisman or someone else will rise to take a role similar to Card's Hegemon.
    Speaking of absolute power. Iron Man has had in his possesion prior to Avengers Disassembled...The reality gem. Tony has in his past shown he has an addictive personality (understatement). Give someone like that that power to change reality...Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
    You may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one.

    Venom: I want to bite their heads off and shove my tongue down their neck holes.
    Songbird: Why?
    Venom: So I can lick out their hearts.

  4. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by Kumori
    back to the act though, what is the purpose of registering if you DON'T WEAR A MASK?
    Which leads back to the whole "but then we couldn't lead normal lives and the villains would kill our families" thing.

  5. #65
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kumori
    Unless you have a specific reason (like Deadpool) then all headgear must be illegal.
    Good thing I don't ride a motorbike.

    - Le Messor
    "Dying is not to be feared. It is the final comfort. As we all learn, eventually."
    - Robert A. Heinlein

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by Barnacle13
    Absolute power corrupts absolutely! I absolutely think Tony Stark has been granted absolute power and is absolutely headed towards absolute corruption.
    I don't know that it's a matter of Tony Stark being corrupt as he is self-centered. He's a futurist, he know best, and everyone should see things his way. The first attempted SHRA inductions were Cap and Cage...two of Stark's closest friends at the time. Stark's easy to be friends with...just see and do everything his way.

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

  7. #67


    Needless to say perhaps, I think that the addage of "absolute power corrupts absolutely" is at the heart of the SRA. And it is quite telling that Stark and the pro-regs are the one's that placed themselves beneath the power of others, and opened their actions to scrutiny and accountability.

    And quite the contrast to what was said about Stark, it was the anti-regs that insisted on having everything their own way, and damn everyone else. If someone saw matters differently, they were fascists, "in league with Lucifer", had no clue as to freedom, etc.

    Power corrupts. No need for it to be absolute.

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