Quote Originally Posted by King_Mungi
-Mac as a human or cyborg?
Human Mac all the way.

-Puck as a dwarf, or compressed rubber body Puck?
Like a lot of people on this thread, I'll have to go with compressed rubber body Puck. Can anyone tell when this was explained?

-Heather with the electromagnetic suit or geothermal?
Geothermal. Mac's got the electromagnetic suit covered.
-Shaman as Talisman or not?
Shaman straight up, keep that tiara away from him.

-Wild Child as Wild Child, Weapon Omega, Wildheart or vampire Wild Child?
This is tough, I'm a big Wild Child fan. For me, I'd go with Kyle as Wild Child, although it looks like he'll be living in Sunnydale for a long time!
-Which version of Box you perfer? Roger, Walter or Madison?
To me, Madison is BOX, nuff said!
-Walter or Wanda? [Sasquatch]
Keep Walter as Walter.
-Heather, Mac, or Walter as best leader?
Mac will always be the true leader of Alpha, whether he wants to or not.