Quote Originally Posted by rplass
Quote Originally Posted by King_Mungi
Then they did all they could to help me
Wow, it sure was nice of them to help you.

I re-read that issue and still think that Mac died after the 2nd blast. I believe he was still alive, barely, when the air agreed to keep him in stasis. But after Jiroult's 2nd attack and that schmaltzy "here's your new baby, now you can die" scene, he really died. Heather would not have had that reaction if he was just really weakened.

Besides, Mac is incredibly good at dying, and just as good at getting himself resurrected.

Quite you! You knew what I meant

I don't, since the very last page it says

James: "I thought I was dead"
Shaman: "so did we, believe me"
Walter: "and well you should be. But thanks to Warren, the X-Men's Angel, and his newly-developed healing abilities--"

Angel hasn't shown to have the power to bring back someone from death with his blood, just to heal. Heather was screaming since she actually thought he died, but Angel saved him.

Good lord yes, but he has a lot of calls where people "thought" he died and then something wacky happens to him (becoming an android, servant of the Master). I think it's just one of those times with one of those close calls.