Thunder #28

Having turned off the last valve, Nathan made his way back up to the elevator on sublevel 1 only to find it unresponsive. He found that the strength drain from throwing his thunderpunch was taking an inordinately long time to return. Radio-ing topside to get a situational report, he was informed by Dr.Stone that the sublevels had been sealed up to make sure none of the demonlike mutates could escape. He then explained to Nathan that he needed him to run an analysis of the air using the computer in the Environmental Control Room on sublevel 1, and then obtain a sample of DNA from one of the mutates and run an analysis on that using any one of the anysis devices on sublevel 3. Once the results were in, Nathan was to email them to Dr. Stone, following which they could see about opening the sublevels up again.

When Nathan questioned Stone about how to recognize, muchless use, these machoines he was refering to, the Doctor assured him that a number of personel were still trapped in the sublevels. If they had not all succumbed to ... whatever they were dealing with, they would likely have the technical expertise to be of assistence.

So, as his first order of business Nathan began an orderly search of the sublevels for survivors. He soon came across two mutates, one of which was tearing apart a recently killed body, and the other of which was pounding on a plexiglass window of an inner-room, within which cowered a trio of terrified lab tech.s During his fight with the mutates Nathan learned that, not only was he significantly weaker than before, and his hide less durable, but his sonic powers were entirely absent.

Nevertheless, as weak as he was, Nathan was still more than a match for the mutates. He defeated them, obtained samples, and then sealed them in another lab. Making his way back to the lab techs, he informed them of both the situation and his job. Two of them agreed to run the air analysis, while Nathan and the third lab tech. (a woman named Joanne), prepared to venture down to sublevel 3 and run the DNA analysis.

Down on the 3rd sublevel, the duo soon encountered two mutates. One wrestled with a big security guard on the ground, while another security guard and a big lab tech. were busy delivering repeated blows with billy clubs to a second mutate. Nathan quickly raced to help his fellow guards, and the mutates were quickly defeated.

As Joanne began the analysis process, Nathan began to search over the rest of the sublevel, when suddenly to elevator shaft exploded open. Standing there was a drooling, insectoidlike humanoid, gurggling a barely intelligable "kill" as it gazed ferociously at Nathan.

A vicious battle followed, which required that Nathan fight as almost never before. Even so, before long his strength began to fail and defeat seemed close when suddenly the insectoid mutate became distracted. It gurggled a second barely intelligable word, "mother ...", before flying back down the corridor and into the elevator shaft. Amoment later there was aloud smash, followed by a few moments of fierce gunfire.

Calling topside with his radio, Nathan learned the obvious; that the insectoid had broken through to the surface. He also learned that forces present were unable to contain it, and it was presently at large.

So, as the lab tech went about their work, Nathan recommenced his systematic search of the the sublevels; encountering three more mutates and saving 5 more survivors.

When the tests were at last complete, Nathan emailed the results to Stone, who assured him he would be out of the facility soon enough. Unfortunately, for the sake of the governments piece of mind he would be quarrentined until all analysis was done and the possbility of any danger was elminated.