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Thread: Anyone know John Byrne's opinion on AF?

  1. #31
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kozzi24
    Many of those who prefer Mac have come across to me as people who hate change in comics, and, worse, sexist: some of the people in "my" shop who prefer Mac over Heather are also one who didn't like Wasp's chair of the Avengers. They seem to think Men should lead the teams.
    I don't know about outright interesting, but Mac was never explored...parents, siblings? We know Heather came from a large family and was somewhat alienated from them, but I don't recall ANY real mention of Mac's family. Were his parents dead, or was there untold stories there. Has Heather ever even met her in-laws?
    Well now, that's a mighty big brush you just painted us (those who prefer Mac in the suit) all with. I neither hate change in comics nor think women are inferior. (Except when it comes to opening jars. ) I didn't mind that Heather took up the role as leader (a role in which she was superb), I just wish Mac hadn't been killed off so quickly. I wanted to read more about him and Heather as the parental units of AF, because they were such a great team together. Yeah, he wore the suit and he had the technical know-how, but she had the will and the guts to do what was needed no matter what the situation. If they could be fused into a single being (hmmm, me thinks there be a story there) they would be one of the greatest heroes ever.

  2. #32


    I was referring to in-person conversations at comic shops, not about most of the Mac-supporters here...written responses tend to be a bit more thought out . And yes, in ONE very old conversation I do remember, someone in the shop came across as both sexist and racist in his b'ing and moaning about Monica Rambeau as chair of the Avengers. Walt "Simonson SOOOOOOOOO knew what he was doing" referencing the Avengers circa 295.
    My anti-change view comes in even when looking at Snowbird's resurrection: a move to make Alpha the original team, with a story that blatantly ignored actual Alpha history...such as Sasquatch having Snowbird's body.
    I personally am all for Heather in the leadership role, in the suit, and have been along along on the forums...don't stone me for referencing other peoples' mindlessness.

    And, to answer the real question, that role for Heather would make Mac more interesting:
    • How does he cope with his younger wife in "his" leadership role?
      A role for Mac as father and househusband would be a nice contrast to many of the archtypes in Alpha.
      He can fully contribute to stories in his scientific research role, and training of Betas.
      How does he really cope with having been dead and resurrected and imitated so many times?
      Having been dead so many times, would Mac really want to be an active combatant? It would be very reasonable that he would have an "unreasonable" fear of dying again...and that fear should play into an overprotective parenting of his daughter, and confluct with Heather for her role in the field.

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

  3. #33
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kozzi24
    I was referring to in-person conversations at comic shops, not about most of the Mac-supporters here...written responses tend to be a bit more thought out . And yes, in ONE very old conversation I do remember, someone in the shop came across as both sexist and racist in his b'ing and moaning about Monica Rambeau as chair of the Avengers.
    Ah, okay then. I didn't realize you were only refering to something off the forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by kozzi24
    And, to answer the real question, that role for Heather would make Mac more interesting:
    • How does he cope with his younger wife in "his" leadership role?
      A role for Mac as father and househusband would be a nice contrast to many of the archtypes in Alpha.
      He can fully contribute to stories in his scientific research role, and training of Betas.
      How does he really cope with having been dead and resurrected and imitated so many times?
      Having been dead so many times, would Mac really want to be an active combatant? It would be very reasonable that he would have an "unreasonable" fear of dying again...and that fear should play into an overprotective parenting of his daughter, and confluct with Heather for her role in the field.
    I have to disagree with you that Heather as leader and Mac as housedad would make him a better character. More than likely he would have become even more disliked. If he accepts the role he'll just go on being boring, if he resents Heather he'll become bitter and spiteful which will turn fans against him.
    I don't think Mac needs to cope with having died since he actually has only died once, in that lame story in X-men when Archangel healed him. All the other times were retconned into close calls. Besides, the last thing AF needs is another member suffering from psychological scarring. I personally feel that has been done to death with this team. If you want to make him more interesting, Marvel should delve into his personality (PLEASE) and show us what makes this mild mannered guy put on a supersuit and take on powerhouses like Juggernaut for a government that has screwed him over so many times.

  4. #34
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Couldn't being 'killed' so many times also have the exact opposite effect?
    "I can battle all I want, I'm immortal."

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  5. #35


    I kind of picture Mac in the lab with one of those child slings on his back, carrying around the daughter as he works, her eyes wide with processing what he is doing on intuitive levels.

    I think Mac is solid enough with Heather and detached enough in general that he wouldn't resent Heather's leadership role, particularly as he never wanted the job. He might come to resent comments from others about being "nothing but a house-husband" tho...who on the forum can't picture some of the jibes Walt and J-P would be saying about that?

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

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