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Thread: Wolverine #25 *SPOILER*

  1. #121


    The text says that the guy with the sword whacking all the ninjas is a mutant but his look can turn people to stone, hence the blindfold. He's proving to the Hand that he doesn't need to use his mutant power to win. He can turn people to stone using his vision but chooses not too. A guy from Dawn of the White Light, maybe??
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  2. #122


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole
    The text says that the guy with the sword whacking all the ninjas is a mutant but his look can turn people to stone, hence the blindfold. He's proving to the Hand that he doesn't need to use his mutant power to win. He can turn people to stone using his vision but chooses not too. A guy from Dawn of the White Light, maybe??
    Crud, that's what I get for not paying attention, that would be that Gorgon fellow. Hey, is that pie? [Ben runs away]


  3. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Hey, is that pie?
    Nope, it's pudding.....

  4. #124


    Hey, there's always room for cake, I always say!

    Maybe Ben you are coy enough to let us in on a secret about volume 4??
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  5. #125


    from quesada's boards on wolverine #26

    Northstar. Not so dead. The hand do have a hand in resurrecting him.

  6. #126


    btw someone over there said something along the lines of millar having a interview over here (great job ben) and that millar thought this was a cool site (good maybe he can write a ongoing vol. 4 ) anyways the poster was disapointed when he read the interview at ALPHA FLIGHT.NET and the first question was about northstar......

    should the first question at a ALPHA FLIGHT site be about the the ultimates?

  7. #127


    Quote Originally Posted by varo
    anyways the poster was disapointed when he read the interview at ALPHA FLIGHT.NET and the first question was about northstar......

    should the first question at a ALPHA FLIGHT site be about the the ultimates?

    Y'mean.... This isn't the Ultimates' forum?!

    Okay, sarcasm aside, what did they expect?! Why ELSE would we care who got skewered in Wolverine?!
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  8. #128


    Quote Originally Posted by varo
    btw someone over there said something along the lines of millar having a interview over here (great job ben) and that millar thought this was a cool site (good maybe he can write a ongoing vol. 4 ) anyways the poster was disapointed when he read the interview at ALPHA FLIGHT.NET and the first question was about northstar......

    should the first question at a ALPHA FLIGHT site be about the the ultimates?

    Takes all kinds...especially consering the reason for the interview was Northstar's death Oh well, other than that, had lots of good feedback


  9. #129


    o ya ben, i have ready many positive things about the site and these forums. pretty cool stuff that your work is getting the recignition it deserves.

    now maybe marvel will take notice and launch series 4!!!!

    unless they already have plans to and your just not telling........


  10. #130
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    It occurs that Millar has killed JP not once, but twice - X-Men and Ultimate X-Men (that was Millar, wasn't it?).

    As to the gay thing - in Runaways, it's long been hinted, strongly, that Karolina (the alien one) is gay.

    - Le Messor
    "If you misuse that word one more time!"
    - Karolina (the word being gay, of course)

  11. #131


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    It occurs that Millar has killed JP not once, but twice - X-Men and Ultimate X-Men (that was Millar, wasn't it?).
    Nope, that wasn't Millar. I'd give you the writer's name, but that means digging through comic boxes...and I don't have it in me at the moment. Anyway, I do believe he didn't actually die in that.


  12. #132


    That was Brian K Vaughn, and he was most definitely still alive.

  13. #133


    Correct, he fell, and a guy like Northstar, even in Ultimate universe, could easily survive a fall even if he can't fly.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  14. #134
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I thought he got shot, point blank range.

    - Le Messor
    "Courage is fear that has said its prayers."

  15. #135


    He used his powers and sped out of the way, and was alive and well talking to Jean Grey in the next issue.

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