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Thread: Wolverine Movie To Be Made

  1. #1
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Default Wolverine Movie To Be Made

    I saw this over at (which I still can't post at ):

    Variety reports that 20th Century Fox has set Sheldon Turner ("The Longest Yard," "The Amityville Horror," "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" prequel) to write Magneto, an action-thriller based on the villainous character played in the first two "X-Men" films by Ian McKellen.

    The project marks the second extension of the studio's "X-Men" comic book franchise. The move follows a Fox deal with "Troy" screenwriter David Benioff to write Wolverine, who is played by Hugh Jackman in the films.The studio is developing the spin-offs as they separately develop X-Men 3. Simon Kinberg is writing the third installment. Magneto will likely be produced by the "X-Men" duo of Lauren Shuler Donner and Marvel Studios' Avi Arad.

    The original "X-Men" film began with a prologue that showed Magneto as a child being led to a concentration camp by Nazis, and that is the period in which the new film will take place. Since the character will be seen almost exclusively in his formative years, it is not clear whether McKellen will be in the film at all, says the trade.

    "I pitched a film that is almost 'The Pianist' meets 'X-Men,' about a guy who, after watching his family slaughtered, has an awakening of his powers and seeks revenge," Turner said.

    The storyline will heavily involve Professor X (played by Patrick Stewart in the films). That character was a soldier in the allied force that liberated the concentration camps. The professor meets Magneto after the war, and while they bond over the realization that they are alike in their special powers, their differences soon turn them into enemies.
    This makes me wonder if Alpha Flight will appear in the Wolverine movie? What do you folks think?

  2. #2


    I sincerely doubt it. Maybe, maybe, a passing side reference like a name on a paper or a side remark.
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  3. #3


    It would be cool to see Logan visit some Canadian friends like Mac and Heather(if only as non-powered supporting characters).


  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    It would be cool to see Logan visit some Canadian friends like Mac and Heather(if only as non-powered supporting characters).

    or even a flashback to when they found him and helped him overcome his ferral nature.


  5. #5


    Though we can still hope, i think it's a very minimal chance of seeing ANY Alpha references in the Wolverine flick. These were the same speculation we all were making after the release of the first X-Men flick about the second. the most we got from that was two VERY slim references in the second movie (namely a file marked 'Gamma Flight' and an entry for 'Gibney, Kyle' on Stryker's computer that Mystique hacks into). The only safe things we can assume about Wolverine and possibily X3 is a return of Tyler Mane's Sabretooth (his original contract was for two movies, with only one he was used in, and Wolverine is a good place as any to fullfil that contract), and a possible return/cameo by Lady Deathstrike (Kelly Yu - who played Yuriko in the second film - has been signed for a second movie, tho given she was pumped full of molten adamantium in X2, not sure how she's gonna heal her way around that).

    BUT, here's not giving up hope.
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  6. #6

    Default Re: Wolverine Movie To Be Made

    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd
    This makes me wonder if Alpha Flight will appear in the Wolverine movie? What do you folks think?
    I think a baddie is in order. I mean, no on e will be capable of pulling off a solo Wolverine movie after more revelations about his past surface in X3. We already pretty much know the story from X2 and that Stryker was in charge of it, did the same thing to Deathstrike, etc. What more could they tell? I've seen rumors that a second Wolverine movie would deal with Mariko and ninjas and that the first, erm, prequel would deal with Wolverine's origins. To that extent, it'd be logical to port a bunch of the DeptH über-conspiracy over to the Weapon X facility from the movies and William Stryker. Toss in some references to AF and maybe even have a cameo or four (Eugene, Mac, Heather and Narya were there from the beginning with Walt soon after).

    The one I', really worried about is the Magneto movie. That sounds like a really, really, stupid move before considering an Avengers movie or more Spidey/X-men sequels. I mean, we haven't seen Mysterio, Electro or Kraven yet much less the Morlocks, Sentinels or the Hellfire Club. There's tons of other bits that would make great sequels. Enough of this prequel nonsense. Leave me and my Revenge of the Sith in peace...

  7. #7


    I'd like to think Alpha will appear in the Wolverine movie, but I doubt it. As others have said, we'll be lucky if AF gets a passing reference, and even luckier if Mac and Heather make a cameo appearance.

  8. #8
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I can imagine them giving us an origin where it's someone -else- who finds Wolverine in the wilds. But I'd love it to be Mac & Heather - which is the most we can hope for.

    There was also Alpha and Beta Flight files on the computer in X2. And a body drawer marked 'Roger Bochs'.

    - Le Messor
    "Born Free… Taxed to Death"

  9. #9


    You never know.....we may see more Alpha references of some sort, whether it be characters(which would be great)...or more files on a computer screen(bleh). Hopefully, since they already had such file refs in X-Men and X2, they might make use of some of that info and history in a Wolverine film.


  10. #10


    Yeah, Hank McCoy is in X2 for all of about 7 seconds but he's still in there and that's the Beast cameo.

    I think we'd at laeast see Mac and Heather finding him in the snow - that's a pretty key sequence in his becoming "Wolverine".

  11. #11


    I'd say it's a safe bet that they'd include Mac and Heather for a 5 minute flashback sequence. It's a critical part of the Wolverine story and to skip over it would be an oversight.

  12. #12


    As much as I agree that it'd be an oversight, I still believe they'll work around Mac and Heather (I'm not feeling optimistic today).

    As per Hank McCoy's cameo in X2, he's supposed to make a full appearance in X3 - alongside Gambit and possibly Angel
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  13. #13


    Angel and Beast I could hand;e and would love to see. Gambit, in my opinion, is not now nor ever was an X-man. Stupid, stupid character if you ask me.

    I just hope that with all these spin offs in the pipeline now that they don't just start making crap movies for the sake of getting something on the screen. Really, the whole Weapon X grapphic novel is your basic screenplay for a Wolvie prequel, but what more can you do? Unless they add wendigo or a love story plot (ahem...Heather?) then they've got a pretty weak basis for a movie. It makes a great comic, but stretching it out over 2 hours will be a challenge, to say the least.

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by HappyCanuck
    As much as I agree that it'd be an oversight, I still believe they'll work around Mac and Heather (I'm not feeling optimistic today).
    As per Hank McCoy's cameo in X2, he's supposed to make a full appearance in X3 - alongside Gambit and possibly Angel
    I still say I can believe them having him found in the snow by brand new characters. Or, (worse, better?) X-Men characters who aren't those two. Xavier, perhaps, in a flashback? Scott & Jean? Alex & Lorna?

    As for those cameos (btw, and Hank was talking to Sebastian Shaw in his X2 cameo), they've been rumoured to be in the movies since #1.

    - Le Messor
    "Bugs are Sons of Glitches!"

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    I still say I can[n't] believe them having him found in the snow by brand new characters.
    Oh I agree whole-heartedly, but it's not up to us, its up to the director. And if it's their choice, you know we're gonna be shafted.

    Or, (worse, better?) X-Men characters who aren't those two. Xavier, perhaps, in a flashback? Scott & Jean? Alex & Lorna?
    the last two are slightly more possible, since Havok is too rumoured to be in X3. more than likely it'll be a 'random hunter' or some such nonsence.

    As for those cameos (btw, and Hank was talking to Sebastian Shaw in his X2 cameo), they've been rumoured to be in the movies since #1.
    true, but in this case, the new director is planning on doing what Singer had only wanted to do but didn't for whatever reason. from the rumours I've read/seen, we can look forward to at least five new X-men - some of which had only been cameo appearances in the first two films.

    (btw, re: Shaw - I only have it on VHS - yes, VHS still exists - and neither that nor the theatrical release (iirc - been awhile) show who Hanks babbling to)

    - Le Messor
    "Bugs are Sons of Glitches!"[/quote]
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

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