Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
Quote Originally Posted by Canucklehead
Quote Originally Posted by Ottawa Renegade
Wasn't his whole thing that he only acquired his powers at 97 years old? I thought that was supposed to be his "hook".
At one point he's 97, then 96, then 90, then he was in a coma for 15 years, then 10 and I'm pretty sure he said "two decades" at one point. So I wouldn't be surprised if the time in which he attained his powers changed too lol. That was really my only nit-pic of this series. Small details seemed to change from book to book.

Yes, that's some cazy continuity...I'm hoping Scott did it intentionally as some sort of gag, but that may not be the case .

well, 90 is a nicer rounding than 100. everything else can be chalked up to rounding (15 years is the better part of two decades), unsuredness on the character's parts (the only ones who talk to him for any length of time are Sas and Nemesis), or an oopsie on Scott's part.