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Thread: Details, Schmetails; Number 9, Number 9, Number 9, Number 9

  1. #1
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Default Details, Schmetails; Number 9, Number 9, Number 9, Number 9

    As the title may suggest, this is gonna be real nitpicky. I picked up a lot more little details than usual in #9 - almost like it's a revolution.

    Real nitpicky, but not universally negative.
    Let's dive in;

    The cover: I dunno Y, but the pic of Thunder with 'Apprehended' slapped across his face cracks me up every time. I also appreciated that the Real AF (more on that later, 'less I forget) also has apprehended, slain, and at large members - rather than all slain.
    I figure that's Kitty, btw, looking shocked at 'Why is this not Logan'?

    In the 'Previously' blurb, it mentions Nemesis "unveils her true face to Sasquatch - something no one has ever seen before!" If this -is- the first, the Twinz, Heather, Puck, and Box have all seen it before.

    I don't believe that there's much of anything made of matter that could survive being struck by Nemesis' blade, as -EBON- Samurai's does on the title spread (bad title, btw); but I know nothing of the Ebon Samurai. Maybe he's using Energy to block it? That's believable.
    Were AF having a picnic before the fight broke out?

    Second spread: Note that YJ's skeleton ain't human. Now I really -am- intrigued. I wonder where they're going with that (and if we'll learn the answers to that and Puck II's powers before the series ends?)

    MMJ's gloves are intact at the end of the Pokemon battle - and, presumably, his boots (but I can't back that up). How, then, does PII talk him into then changing those parts.
    And, does this team have more than its share of long-winded names? MMJ and YJ? Two's not many, but too many.
    Are Sunfire Wannabe and Purse Girl lovers?

    Loved how Sas got out of Godzilla Wannabee's grip.

    Ebon Samurai had only just figured out where he was, on waking. How, I don't know, but I know nothing of him, and therefore can't refute it. He was facing away from Sas, so it's unlikely he recognised him - tho there seems to be a problem this ish between what people see and where they look.

    "Like you see -that- every day in the X-Men?" Lame. Just lame. And childish. Lame, and childish, and hero-worshippy. Three is the number of things it is! Three: Lame, childish, hero-worshippy, and sad...
    What's that deer eating, I wonder? Oh, well, they can graze in some amazing places.

    I still think that they're making a big deal out of such a small costume change on MMJ; also, Centennial's line: "What's this obsession everyone has with Mapleleafs?" - is that often one word, btw? First, the only team member who wears one is the one named that. Second, how did C even see it? It was on MMJ's back, and presumably nobody had seen that, since he'd just walked in. C has the powers of superman, it seems, so it's possible, however unlikely, that he used X-Ray vision. That'll be interesting to learn, if he does.

    The Box that don't look like Box is from -before- the time travel meddling happened. Wildchild, too, but that one could be a colouring problem (the tights look like flesh).

    "This -is- the "real" Alpha Flight." (Hey, I did remember). I appreciated that line - it's aimed at people like me, who love to gripe about how it isn't. A bit of -subtle- 4th wall humour - He can do it!
    Oh, I appreciate it. I don't believe it. This is -not- the real AF... But it's not a terrible substitute.
    Walt contradicts himself - first "Time travel is impossible" then (Unlike the FF) "We just don't have those kind of resources." (Which should be those kinds, btw.)

    Her killing people to send them back is ridiculous. It's the only part of this time travel so far that makes no sense.
    So, btw, is PII arguing over the naming of a blade. It's perfectly common, (Excalibur, anyone? Anduril, Sting, Hadafang, The Ebon Blade, Davar,...) and Nemesis I's has long needed a name. "The Sword of Justice" is the closest it's had.

    The fluffy bunny comment seems to come from nowhere.

    "Remove your hands myself. At the wrist." Only just now did I realise that she meant 'As opposed to, from my neck' I -always- assumed she meant cutting them off, and the 'at the wrist part' bugged me.

    The conversation in Limbo makes no sense - how did Nemesis get there? If MMJ's intimidated by his father, why's he so much bigger? What did she see that would tell her "My dad the "Hero' was actually just a bitter old drunk?" (Interesting note: I always thought he'd deluded himself, and didn't know that. Also, was that a movie reference? 'My Dad the Hero')
    'No-one will ever know what happened here... but me' Who else? Isn't that what he feared in the first place?

    "Told. You. So." No, you didn't.
    The next issue bit looks like the bones are -supposed- to float from his body. At least to me. Whether he's posing in anger or struck from behind, I can't tell, but it doesn't look like the bones are flying off - no motion lines, in an image full of them.

    - Le Messor
    "Beware of Quantum ducks, QUARK! QUARK!"

  2. #2

    Default Re: Details, Schmetails; Number 9, Number 9, Number 9, Numb

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    In the 'Previously' blurb, it mentions Nemesis "unveils her true face to Sasquatch - something no one has ever seen before!" If this -is- the first, the Twinz, Heather, Puck, and Box have all seen it before.
    Oh, you actually read those?

    Here's where I go for my Marvel no=prize: Maybe she didn't show those folks her true face, because she always appeared to be hideous to them if I recall. She wasn't hideous to Walt, so maybe THAT is the real one.

    I crack up at Thunder on the poster too.

  3. #3
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Default Re: Details, Schmetails; Number 9, Number 9, Number 9, Numb

    Quote Originally Posted by Ottawa Renegade
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    In the 'Previously' blurb
    Oh, you actually read those?
    Well, I read the ones for, like #2 & 3 'coz I didn't have #1 yet. And found that Lobdell used his sense of humour when writing 'em.

    - Le Messor
    "Beware of a dark-haired man with a loud tie."

  4. #4
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Details, Schmetails; Number 9, Number 9, Number 9, Numb

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    The cover: I dunno Y, but the pic of Thunder with 'Apprehended' slapped across his face cracks me up every time.
    Same here!

    I don't believe that there's much of anything made of matter that could survive being struck by Nemesis' blade, as -EBON- Samurai's does on the title spread (bad title, btw); but I know nothing of the Ebon Samurai. Maybe he's using Energy to block it? That's believable.
    The Ebon Samurai is the mutant formerly known as: The Silver Samurai. The sword he has is a powerful, sentient, mystical weapon given to him by Wolverine. It possesses anyone who holds it except The Samurai which is why Logan gave it to him. I guess it's as powerful as Nemesis' sword.

    I still think that they're making a big deal out of such a small costume change on MMJ; also, Centennial's line: "What's this obsession everyone has with Mapleleafs?"
    Maybe Centennial should ask himself that considering he was the one who burned a maple leaf into the alien vehicle the team rode out on at the end of issue #6. I guess the simple answer is: it's the same obsession American heroes have with stars, red and white stripes and eagles.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Details, Schmetails; Number 9, Number 9, Number 9, Numb

    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd
    The Ebon Samurai is the mutant formerly known as: The Silver Samurai. The sword he has is a powerful, sentient, mystical weapon given to him by Wolverine. It possesses anyone who holds it except The Samurai which is why Logan gave it to him. I guess it's as powerful as Nemesis' sword.
    I'm not 100% on that, as The Silver Samurai was killed over in Elektra a few years ago.

  6. #6
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Details, Schmetails; Number 9, Number 9, Number 9, Numb

    Quote Originally Posted by ANAD Phil Vol3
    I'm not 100% on that, as The Silver Samurai was killed over in Elektra a few years ago.
    I think you may be right about that, I assumed the Samurai merely made a change to reflect his possesion of the Ebon Sword. Hmmm, I wonder who this guy is.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Details, Schmetails; Number 9, Number 9, Number 9, Numb

    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd
    Quote Originally Posted by ANAD Phil Vol3
    I'm not 100% on that, as The Silver Samurai was killed over in Elektra a few years ago.
    I think you may be right about that, I assumed the Samurai merely made a change to reflect his possesion of the Ebon Sword. Hmmm, I wonder who this guy is.
    If you were talking about the sword referenced above, that was the Black Blade... and he got it in the Claremont/Buscema Wolverine 1-3 over 10 years ago.

    Which colourists forgot about therever after (it was literally black).

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