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Thread: a few questions for nit picky classic AF fans

  1. #1

    Default a few questions for nit picky classic AF fans

    okay, since this is the most alpha-tastic corner of the internet i thought this is a good place to ask some questions. since i know the nerdiest flight peeps are here

    1. where/when did the twins learn to speak english?

    when logan meets aurora in AF 9 (which is 2-3 years before AF v1 1 i am assuming?) she can speak english. okay she learned it at the nunnery?
    in AF 1 it says that northstar only speaks french. this stays in effect until roughly issue 24 give or take, with there being a few incidents where he doesn't speak english and it is problematic (issue 18 comes to mind), so was it just dropped, or is it supposed to be inferred he learned some english while in beta flight/ alpha flight but is a prat about speaking?

    2. is walt's son ever brought up in any alpha flight after issue 10? i have alot of of both volumes but not all. just curious. unfortunately at the moment i don't have the time/money to get the remainders to find out for myself. or the high pain threshold.

    3. does anyone ever say much about poor roger bochs after his untimely demise in v1 49? poor dude got killed and like that was that.

    4. okay less classic, more continuity based- where did all this mac and heather have a baby crap come from? i saw at the end of AF v2 20 heather and puck where going to go out, so when did that get dropped and insta nuclear family come from?

    thanks in advance for the insight.

  2. #2


    good questions.Cant speak for the 1st 2 but I do know the last 2

    3.You are right about the mentioning of ROger Boch's. Except for the flashback issue when the Box armor goes haywire and invades the US, to my recollection no memory is ever brought up

    4.As for the baby, Heather gave birth to the child in an Ultimate issue. (it has SNowbird and Jean Grey on the cover)Mac died (again) butAngel (Xmen) brought him back to life with his blood which had healing properties

  3. #3

    Default Re: a few questions for nit picky classic AF fans

    Quote Originally Posted by seroquel
    okay, since this is the most alpha-tastic corner of the internet i thought this is a good place to ask some questions. since i know the nerdiest flight peeps are here
    Ah, hell, I'll give it a shot

    1. where/when did the twins learn to speak english?

    when logan meets aurora in AF 9 (which is 2-3 years before AF v1 1 i am assuming?) she can speak english. okay she learned it at the nunnery?
    in AF 1 it says that northstar only speaks french. this stays in effect until roughly issue 24 give or take, with there being a few incidents where he doesn't speak english and it is problematic (issue 18 comes to mind), so was it just dropped, or is it supposed to be inferred he learned some english while in beta flight/ alpha flight but is a prat about speaking?
    As for Aurora, I'm not sure but I assume she learned through the convent; but Northstar, it's shown in their origin at the end of v.1.10 as saying to Gary Cody: "<I prefer my native tongue. You will have to concentrate.>" He prolly learned English growing up with the Martins, since they were pretty well off, and prolly dealt with the OTHER Canadians who aren't Francophone. Plus, it's assumed he'd have to know English, or else during all his earlier adventures, Aurora would have to translate, and that would be too time consuming.

    2. is walt's son ever brought up in any alpha flight after issue 10? i have alot of of both volumes but not all. just curious. unfortunately at the moment i don't have the time/money to get the remainders to find out for myself. or the high pain threshold.
    To my knowledge, the only mention of Walt's son is in v.1.10. Even with all the fracas with Veronica - Walt's exwife - Walt's son is never meantioned again (tho there have been theories and suggestions that Wildchild was supposed to have been Walt's son, but never followed up on)

    3. does anyone ever say much about poor roger bochs after his untimely demise in v1 49? poor dude got killed and like that was that.
    Roger is meantioned in lamenting retrospect a few times, but never becomes part of the future plots, save for the one time that Madison's guilty subconscience takes over his version of the Box robot in Omega's name and memory.

    4. okay less classic, more continuity based- where did all this mac and heather have a baby crap come from? i saw at the end of AF v2 20 heather and puck where going to go out, so when did that get dropped and insta nuclear family come from?
    after v.2.20's date, Puck and Heather are no longer an item (or even an afterthought, for that matter). In Wolverine 142/43, Heather has given up on ANY men for the most part - even denouncing the role of Vindicator. Mac and Heather seem to have reconciled sometime between then and their next appearance in Wolverine in 2001/2002 (can't remember the exact issue numbers), but that's when we find out Heather's pregnant. iirc, Heather gave birth in one issue of X-Men Unlimited earlier in 2004.

    thanks in advance for the insight.
    Hey, no problem. That's what we're here for
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

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  4. #4


    Both the twins always seemed bi-lingual. An excellent point about Northstar's use of French was made by Rogue during the first X-Alpha limited series.

    Walt's son was never mentioned again, like Happy Canuck said, not even during the arc with Veronica.

    Heather was established as pregnant i,,ediately following the AF appearance in Wolverine #170-172, probably revealed in #173. Wolverine asked how the pregnancy was going in Black Panther #43, and the baby was born in X-Men Unlimited #45

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
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  5. #5

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by seroquel
    thanks everybody!!
    Hey, that's what we're here for. And people said all this useless trivia would amount to nothing
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  7. #7


    As French-Canadians say:

    You don't learn English, you catch it.

  8. #8
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    In #1, NS clearly said at one point that he couldn't speak English.
    No, wait, Byrne did. In a footnote, he put "By now you've figured out Northstar can't speak English." (See, he really did say that. Okay, very clever.)

    I always figured he just spent the next several months of his life training with anglophones - learning a new language, especially with the immersion technique - doesn't take that long. Tho he shouldn't be too fluent.

    - Le Messor
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  9. #9


    hooray i am glad someone else saw that footnote that started the whole thought in my head (i don't think it was AF 1 though, i think it was 10- NS origin part).
    yeah i figured as much with the learning while in beta as well and i chalked the fluency up to super fast learning capacity.

  10. #10
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    The easiest answer to when NS learned english is when he joined AF. Being an operative of the Canadian Government means having to be able to speak both official languages. My buddy's brother joined the army and was sent to improve his french since he wasn't fluent in it. The same thing goes for our politicians, though some still haven't bothered to do it.

  11. #11


    that makes sense. thanks for the info

  12. #12

    Default Re: a few questions for nit picky classic AF fans

    Quote Originally Posted by HappyCanuck
    To my knowledge, the only mention of Walt's son is in v.1.10. Even with all the fracas with Veronica - Walt's exwife - Walt's son is never meantioned again (tho there have been theories and suggestions that Wildchild was supposed to have been Walt's son, but never followed up on)
    I Actually just went through my old AF v1 books and also noticed this. I believe it was the Bloodlines storyline(issues 114+). Puck, the ever insistant hacker was looking up Mac's old files and saw a connection between Walt and WildChild. He even made a comment to Walt, but the art was so bad, I couldn't tell what expression Walt had on his face. Plus the "Bloodlines" title kinda gave this extra attention.

    In anycase it's quite reminisent of Puck and Flex's internet searches on the Corbo parents. This always seems to happen at the end of the series and the next writer doesn't pick up the loose ends! I just hope we get to learn the origins of this new incarnation before the book is unfairly ended prematurely.


  13. #13
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Default Re: a few questions for nit picky classic AF fans

    Quote Originally Posted by Canucklehead
    I Actually just went through my old AF v1 books and also noticed this. I believe it was the Bloodlines storyline(issues 114+). Puck, the ever insistant hacker was looking up Mac's old files and saw a connection between Walt and WildChild. He even made a comment to Walt, but the art was so bad, I couldn't tell what expression Walt had on his face. Plus the "Bloodlines" title kinda gave this extra attention.

    In anycase it's quite reminisent of Puck and Flex's internet searches on the Corbo parents. This always seems to happen at the end of the series and the next writer doesn't pick up the loose ends! I just hope we get to learn the origins of this new incarnation before the book is unfairly ended prematurely.D.
    The connection refered to is Walt burying Wild Child's psychological evaluation reports so he could join Department H (as shown in AF Vol. 1 #117). The Bloodlines title was (I believe) in reference to Wyre's connection to Kyle becoming Wild Child. But I would hope Walt wasn't his father considering Kyle was booted out of his home when his folks discovered he was a mutant (according to the latest origin story).

  14. #14

    Default Re: a few questions for nit picky classic AF fans

    Ahh, that'll teach me to reply with an answer to a story arc when I don't have the last couple issues lol. I didn't know about him getting kicked out of his house. That doesn't sound like Walter at all, but wasn't his ex-wife "not very pleasant"? Oh Well, they're probably not the parents anyway.

    I don't think anything new was revealed in Weapon X so far. Maybe they will reveal more about Kyle in the new 6 part mini. Then again, probably not.


  15. #15
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    There's a six part mini about WC coming? Geez, where was I?!
    They did reveal that he was kicked out by his folks in X-Factor, just don't ask me which issue.

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