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Thread: Sarcasm Ensues...10/09/04

  1. #1

    Default Sarcasm Ensues...10/09/04

    The first edition of Phil's column Sarcasm Ensues... is up @

    Let's hear what you have to say about it.


  2. #2



    And here I was expecting something dull and mundane.

    *bows to the mighty wit*
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by ladymako71
    And here I was expecting something dull and mundane.
    I dont quite know how to take that

    *bows to the mighty wit*
    While yer down there luv.....

  4. #4


    My take? LAME! Or was that what he wanted me to say? Then it wasn't lame it was Genius! Wait! Not genius. I'm sure it was a trick now! Tricky this one! Wants me to agree, but does he? I'll just reread my X-Men 120 and leave it at that!


  5. #5
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Me, I'm the opposite, y'know? I say we should all buy three copies of every issue of every series of Alpha, y'know? To show Marvel there's a demand for our favourite team.

    I bought two copies of all of Babylon 5 because one of the squadrons is named Alpha Flight, and it's great to see how our team is doing in the future, y'know? But, I've gotta admit, I don't much like the art or writing on that one. If only they took over the whole series, and weren't just guest stars, y'know?

    And volume 3... Or was it 5? Y'know, the one about the 7 year old kid in Atlanta Georgia who raises a Pegasus. That was the best, y'know. It shows how our team can thrive even in the US, y'know! I can't believe it only lasted 11 issues. And Witchfire's cameo in #5 should show you all what a Alpha Flight book that was!

    Oh, and that series about where Stupid Man forms a new team from Yugio Girl, Flying Dog, and Spider-Scorpion to fight the Yakuza in downtown Ottawa - that was great. It had the best artwork ever. I can't believe there's no demand for our team, y'know?
    Oh, and speaking of the artwork, remember #7, page 3, panel #1 - that half-page shot of a field with that thing in the middle distance? That one that took place in a bright day, in full colour? Did we ever figure out what that thing was? Was it a horse, or a dog, or a tractor or a farm building or a spaceship? Oh, well, who cares, that issue had the greatest artist ever, y'know? I'm buying all his other books, because he was just wonderful, 'coz he worked on Alpha Flight!

    And seeing our team cross the Atlantic in the BBC special: 'Alpha to Omega: Birds in Flight' that was great. I loved their take on the team as a ordinary albatross and some other sea birds. That was amazing. I bought two of the book - c'mon, we all should! You have to show Marvel how much demand there is for an Alpha Flight series, y'know?

    I buy five copies of anything with the words 'Alpha' and 'Flight' on the cover, just to show them. You all have to, too, or you're not real fans. What are ya?

    C'mon, guys!

    - Le Messor
    "They'll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothes. If we're really, really lucky, they'll do it in that order."
    - Firefly

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