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Thread: What about baby Hudson

  1. #16


    No they're not his team; they're his friends.

  2. #17


    So a friend would respect a friends wishes and leave them be rather than try and impose their own wishes upon them...

  3. #18
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    A true friend would make sure it was the friend's wishes, and not an alien influence, before letting them do something incredibly stupid while at the same time destroying their daughter's life.

    A true friend would care more about their friend's wellfare than PC wishes being imposed upon them.

    Man, I'm feisty today.

    - Le Messor
    "Banning the bra was a big flop."

  4. #19


    Friends don't let friends drive drunk

  5. #20


    I'm not so concerned with what Walt should've done, Hudsons make their own mistakes.

    For me I'd like to see Byrne AF return around issue 30 after having gone through a time warp. Great time to bring back the Dreamqueen and have a truly intense storyline.

    Sarah Hudson (my predicted name for baby Hudson) is 17 and has super powers (after all, those Mac Hudson suits did more than alter the Byrne Hudson's brain chemistry...). Her parents have sworn off the super hero gig. Judd Puck and Shaman basically have too. Earthmover is dead, Snowbird has rejoined the Northern Gods (they weren't happy about the Plodex escapade).

    But before they can land they, along with most paranormals in Canada and ANADAF, are attacked by Box robots (thus Earthmover is killed).

    The paranormals are killed, ANADAF loses Centenniel and Yukon Jack (Just 2 because Dreamqueen miscalculated, she thought she was dealing with Byrne AF and had Box create robots to defeat them), Sarah Hudson with Shaman's help saves the rest of Byrne AF from certain death.

    Back on the ground Shaman searches for a new mystic to train and replace him, he just can't do it by himself (I figure he'll find a young man or women who Dreamqueen overlooked in Nunavut).

    Judd Puck takes on the task of helping coordinate ANADAF in this crisis. Byrne Hudsons go home and keep in touch. Sarah takes on the code name Guardian but no Mac suit, she uses her own powers.

    So from issue 32 to issue 35 it's ANADAF (Sasquatch, Puck, Guardian, Nemesis, Major Mapleleaf, and Plodex thing vs. the Dreamqueen's forces lead by Box, Aurora, Goblyn, and Pathway (People Dreamqueen finds she can finally control completely). And ANADAF has their true Big Enemy.

    Then on to more ANADAF with this team for another 150 issues...
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  6. #21


    I would have it where Mac and Heather ask Logan what a good name for his "goddaughter" would be, and of course the name "Rose" would pop into his head.

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by maniac mike
    I would have it where Mac and Heather ask Logan what a good name for his "goddaughter" would be, and of course the name "Rose" would pop into his head.
    Well, I'd much prefer "Rose" over some of Logan's past aquantainces. "Maggot" anybody? lol

    Anyway, with Marvels tendency to ignore continuity, I hope to god some Wolverine writer doesn't ignore the Plodex storyline because he would like Guardian or Chuck Moss to guest star in an issue. This would make the ANADAF book look unimportant and people will perceive it as a joke book. Well.... more so. lol


  8. #23

    Default Baby Hudson in Space

    Well, the way I see it, most parents these days don't bat an eyelid about taking their baby overseas if mum/dad happens to snag a job in a different country. Heck, I've even got friends who take newborns on European holidays (bear in mind that I am in Australia, so Europe is almost like the other side of the world). So, perhaps Mac and Heather taking Baby Hudson to space is sorta similar...?

    ... or maybe not?

    But think of the opportunity... when Baby Hudson (BH) is in Grade 1, she can tell her schoolmates that she's been to space (and the Plodex planet)! How many 6 year olds can claim that?

  9. #24


    Does anyone remember the twins analogy, one in space, one on earth, the one in space ages SLOWER? Do we need the daughter (I always think "Emma" as the name, but have no idea where that came from!) to be rapidly aged. The problem with Alpha history is having too many new characters that never get develpoed. Let the kid grow up in peace, eh?

    I would just as soon see some of the other Alphas guest starring in other books than being inaccessible and unseen for who knows how long.
    With Walt's current team in place, the Hudsons could have taken sabbatical to be with her, Shaman could have gone off to teach what's-his-name. The absence of Puck and Snowbird could have been handled similarly, either slight injury or even just those 2 Alphas leaving to escort the Plodex. Snowbird should be dead still anyway, so no biggie if she's not seen. I think making the opriginals inaccessible was a huge mistake on Scott's part. An appearance by people known as Alpha Flight in say Wolverine would get some curiosity buyers to the AF title even if the character in Wolverine weren't in those issues of AF. The saving grace is that with the references that Puck2 doesn't know her father or who he is but Walt does seem to know those things would indicate that Scott has plans for a climax to that story, hopefully not all that far off.

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by kozzi24
    I would just as soon see some of the other Alphas guest starring in other books than being inaccessible and unseen for who knows how long.
    With Walt's current team in place, the Hudsons could have taken sabbatical to be with her, Shaman could have gone off to teach what's-his-name. The absence of Puck and Snowbird could have been handled similarly, either slight injury or even just those 2 Alphas leaving to escort the Plodex. Snowbird should be dead still anyway, so no biggie if she's not seen. I think making the opriginals inaccessible was a huge mistake on Scott's part. An appearance by people known as Alpha Flight in say Wolverine would get some curiosity buyers to the AF title even if the character in Wolverine weren't in those issues of AF. The saving grace is that with the references that Puck2 doesn't know her father or who he is but Walt does seem to know those things would indicate that Scott has plans for a climax to that story, hopefully not all that far off.
    I'm guessing he did this as he was hoping to do the spin-off Uncanny AF, and tell the story of the journy. At least as a mini, that would be great if the current title settles in with passable sales.


  11. #26
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    There are time I think Scott Lobdell doesn't know what he's talking about, and this thread's reminded me of a huge chunk of that.
    He claims that the original AF has been cancelled twice, which is proof that it doesn't sell.


    The original AF's never been cancelled. It's changed almost beyond recognition, the whole team's gone away, and then been cancelled. Weapon X #0 was brought in, slapped with the name of AF, and been cancelled.
    The original AF guest-stars in serieses and increases sales.

    Yeah, I think sending them off-planet was a Big Mistake. (As Arnie would say. In Last Action Hero, anyway. Who says I'm fair?)

    - Le Messor
    "Avoid run-on sentences they are hard to read."

  12. #27


    Yay, La Messor! I agree with you, man! Maybe Scott was misquoted, but regardless...the statement is false(just like you said).

    I agree with your "Big Mistake" statement too, but with one slight difference.....Big mistake #1 has already happened(IMHO....the exclusion of the original team as the stars/supporting cast of the new series).

    Sending the original team(except Sassy)into space is Big mistake #2(again IMHO) .

    Regardless of what a SOME of folks here, think or feel....most people(or at least judging from most of the opinions I've read online...and from seeing the sales of Vol.2)....The original team(Byrne's) IS Alpha Flight and always will be the only AF. The constant glut of new and never-developed characters serves to only dilute the original idea and cause readers to lose interest. Without the originals in the will be very hard to make any series a success(but not impossible).


  13. #28


    All I'm saying is see where Scott takes the book....

  14. #29


    If I wrote AF the Hudsons would be off in Dept H, likely as Department head and Departmental overseer (assuming I couldn't leave Mac Hudson dead). Judd would be a trainer with AF, and strategist. Shaman and Sasquatch would be part of the team unless I had Talisman instead of Shaman, then he'd be in an advisory role too. The twins would be getting medical attention and would have nothing to do with AF. Snowbird would be a part-timer. Marrina would stay dead. The supersuits would be mothballed as the cyberhelmet needed to operate them alters brain chemistry and personality, permanently.

    Sarah Hudson joins ANADAF as a girl with "psi-slash" powers, chucking psi discs which can interrupt or deflect any energy pathway (neural, electric, plasma, nuclear,...). Her costume scheme is reminiscent of Guardian's and she calls herself Guardian. After all, space travel can mean you come back 17 years older than you left. Maybe drop Yukon Jack, in time, to go back to 6 members.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

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