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Thread: What if there was Alpha Flight: Evolutions(animated series?)

  1. #1

    Default What if there was Alpha Flight: Evolutions(animated series?)

    How old would everyone be?

    What would the beginning uniforms looks like?

    What would the characters look like if drawn in the Evo style?

    What kind of stories would we do?

    I challenge us all to sketch, write and debate (friendly wise) about it!

    Just for fun!

    Any ideas?

  2. #2



    I was sort of thinking along those lines a while ago. the idea being that Mac starts up in Canada a goverment sponsored program similar to Xavier's. Mac and Heather would be older, with Heather playing den mother to the gaggle of teen mutants. Gary Cody would be involved as Goverment Liasion, and Puck would be working for Mac as a kind of field agent.

    Micheal, meanwhile is in the middle of training his ward Narya in her eventual role as Defender against the Great Beasts. I'd say play it up like a Buffy/Giles relationship, with Narya being much more like a typical teenager than aloof goddess.

    Obviously, we have to have the Walt/Jean-Marie/Jean-Paul triangle. Now Walt is a high school football jock, Jean-Marie is playing it ****ty, and Jean Paul is the dissaproing and overprotective brother.

    The classic Wild Child would be there, being the rebel. Marinna would still be herself, all wide eyed and innocent. They might find themselves thrown together because their appearances would set them appart from everyone else.

  3. #3


    Great start!


    Hm I wonder what kind of style Jean-Marie would have? Hipsters and belly shirts perhaps?

    Marinna would need an image inducer though, poor luv. A regular high school wouldn't be a good place for a gal that obvious in mutation. 8(

    Hm Omega Flight might be good too with Nemesis et al.

    EDIT: Added a WildChild turnaround sketch to the fan gallery. Quick ball point pen sketches, but sort of in the style. Been learning how to do these in college in Character Design and Advanced Animation.

  4. #4


    Sorry again but it's Jeanne-Marie, not Jean-Marie (She do not like to be named by a man's name) and I think she can be flirty but not ****ty or bimbo, and it would be Aurora. What about the Jeanne-Marie persona? I don't want the dork look, something very prude but not without style. She should have glasses of course and be very shy and insecured.

  5. #5


    I made up an :Evolution series when the X-men version came out. ^^ I designed new costumes for them and came up with the beginning plot. Or what I called the beginning plot - it was more like a bit of fun than a plot. ^^;

    Snowbird, Shaman and Puck (try and think of Puck as a teenager! Just try!!) were like the caretakers - kind of like Storm and Logan - and Mac was the son of a scientist who was trying to organise Alpha Flight into existence. Him and Walter were best friends and Heather was the daughter of another scientist (which would, I suppose, make her the love interest. >< I hate that word). They're all 16 or 17 I think.

    Northstar and Aurora come along kind of like they orginally did - Mac sees Jean-Paul on tv and tries to get him to join and then maybe Walter finds Jeanne-Marie in Montreal outside the nightclub or something. Talisman is about - I dunno, 15 or something and . . . yeah. Blah blah blah. Big adventures. ^^; Heh. This post is much longer than it is in my head, sorry.

    Anyway, hope that's helped a little and that it wasn't just all babbling. ^^

    Xx Hatheny @-;-

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Hatheny-Lurey-Dralaw
    I made up an :Evolution series when the X-men version came out. ^^ I designed new costumes for them and came up with the beginning plot. Or what I called the beginning plot - it was more like a bit of fun than a plot. ^^;

    Snowbird, Shaman and Puck (try and think of Puck as a teenager! Just try!!) were like the caretakers - kind of like Storm and Logan - and Mac was the son of a scientist who was trying to organise Alpha Flight into existence. Him and Walter were best friends and Heather was the daughter of another scientist (which would, I suppose, make her the love interest. >< I hate that word). They're all 16 or 17 I think.

    Northstar and Aurora come along kind of like they orginally did - Mac sees Jean-Paul on tv and tries to get him to join and then maybe Walter finds Jeanne-Marie in Montreal outside the nightclub or something. Talisman is about - I dunno, 15 or something and . . . yeah. Blah blah blah. Big adventures. ^^; Heh. This post is much longer than it is in my head, sorry.

    Anyway, hope that's helped a little and that it wasn't just all babbling. ^^

    Xx Hatheny @-;-

    I want to see those character designs, and hear more about this plot...
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  7. #7


    Hey, some great ideas there Hatheny-Lurey-Dralaw! I'm with Happy, I'd love to see some sketches if you you have such a thing.

    Welcome to Alppha Waves BTW. Make sure not to step on the members hibernating in the cupboard.


  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Welcome to Alppha Waves BTW. Make sure not to step on the members hibernating in the cupboard.

    And beware the evil Typo Monsters... :P
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Welcome to Alppha Waves BTW. Make sure not to step on the members hibernating in the cupboard.

    And beware the evil Typo Monsters... :P
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  10. #10


    Omigod, TYPO MONSTERS?!?!? Say it ain't so!! I'm scared . . . ><

    Unfortunately I have no pictures scanned up because . . . well, my scanner is a piece of junk. I scanned up a picture of Neo Snowbird onto my friends comp, but SHE says she can't find it . . . *sigh* I like my costumes though . . . if I say so myself . . . ^^

    However, I DO have the prologue, if you're interested . . .

    And if that doesn't work, just check out under Hatheny and it should be there. ^^ The prologue is just the result of me trying to make a headway into my idea of Evolution Alpha, so I don't know if it's any good or anything . . . ^^; It's also because I'm am under the huge strain of writers block (DANGIT) from my other two stories.

    Why the heck am I writing two stories at once?! My life makes no sense! >< Anyway.

    Hope that prologue is okay for now . . . if people like it wherever I've posted it I might write more, but for now it's just a taster I guess. ^^

    Xx Hatheny @-;-

    P.S. Thanks for the welcome! I am so glad I've found this place!

  11. #11
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
    Garry/Al-Fan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    The Washington DC area

    Default Aurora and Northstar are heroes, first and foremost

    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    ...Jeanne-Marie...can be flirty but not ****ty or bimbo, and it would be Aurora.
    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! The focus on a character's sex-life/orientation to the COMPLETE EXCLUSION OF WHAT MAKES HER or HIM A SUPER-HERO has been---and is---a great disservice.

    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    ...What about the Jeanne-Marie persona? I don't want the dork look, something very prude but not without style. She should have glasses of course and be very shy and insecure.
    'Nuff said, IMO.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  12. #12

    Default Piccies

    I posted up a couple of my Evolution Alpha designs up in the photo album, if anybody's interested . . . ? I've also got a couple more up in my DevART account, in case anybody's interested in that either . . .

    Well, they SHOULD be there . . . ^^; Uh heh heh . . . sometimes my Deviations act funny and don't load up when they should. ^^

    Anyway, hope you like it, see ya's later.

    Xx Hatheny @-;-

  13. #13


    I love the prologue! Would be a great starting point for each new episode. Narya and Shaman reading the stars and in essence watching the episode themselves. Great lead in!

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Barnacle13
    I love the prologue! Would be a great starting point for each new episode. Narya and Shaman reading the stars and in essence watching the episode themselves. Great lead in!
    Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! I'm trying to write more, but I'm pretty bogged down with other work at the mo. I'll mention it here if I update, though. I'm glad somebody out there likes it! ^^

    Xx Hatheny @-;-

  15. #15


    Wow this sounds great!! I am nu 2 AF. Only read V3. This fic sounds great. Keep it up m8!!

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