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Thread: Article: New Alpha Flight Recruits To Be Introduced In Mighty Captain Marvel #5

  1. #1

    Default Article: New Alpha Flight Recruits To Be Introduced In Mighty Captain Marvel #5

  2. #2


    To me that means our Alphans are going to get less screen time then they already get as sure they will want to flesh out these new characters and give them the spotlight

  3. #3


    Not good news, just Disney doing all they can to get rid of what Alpha Flight really is. First, AF as a space station/team? Then only 3 actual AF members? Then they rarely get used in a book where they, ostensibly, are key characters? Now 3 new, non-AF characters?

    Disney also wants to distance "their" stuff as much as they can from Fox, and as Fox has AF media rights, that's that. I wouldn't be surprised if Disney killed off all AF members. FF, X-men have been pushed out because of Fox, AF always got short shrift and this is just more of the same. People will make excuses about sales and money, but She-Hulk, Red Hulk, Spider-Girl ring any bells? Not good news at all.

  4. #4


    I was pretty excited about this new rendition as would have been good exposure. They have had a lot of cameos but really....haven't done anything of note worthy. Great to see some of AF villains. Puck out of the three is being used the most and actually is a good fit. Sasquatch and aurora are just...there, now aurora not so much

  5. #5


    I don't think this is any Disney agenda in the slightest.
    Marvel didn't have to do anything with AF but they chose to try and re-invent them and introduce them to all new audience. They weren't under any obligation to do so; they wanted to try and use their toys in a new way and they wanted to succeed.
    Either it didn't take off as planned, or (more likely) this new writer just doesn't want to use them; which is her prerogative.
    At least nothing negative has happened to them.

  6. #6


    Yeah I believe it's more the new writer then Disney. Who knows maybe we're wrong and they will still use them and more frequently....I have my doubts but we shall see

  7. #7
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default MCM and AF

    According to COMICHRON, Mighty Captain Marvel #1 sold 48,519 copies (and ranked #32 in the top 300). It sold better than Alpha Flight (volume 4) #8: 18,408. It sold better than Alpha Flight (volume 3) #12: 17,836. If the numbers are a true reflection of success and popularity, it would indicate that the direction in which Alpha Flight is going now is more successful and popular than it has been in its last two iterations.

    The fans who stay until the end are probably the ones who will stick with Alpha Flight, no matter what.
    [h=Your Message]2[/h]

  8. #8
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Well, those sales figures are for about Captain Marvel, not Alpha Flight. (Except the ones that are for Alpha Flight, obviously.)

    Also, it's well-known that an issue 1 will make very high sales, which will then drop off for #2 and so on until the title hits its cruising level. (I don't know how long that usually takes.)

    ~ Le Messor
    "Today is not finished until tomorrow commences."
    ~ Walter C. Meave

  9. #9


    What's it currently selling at? As #1 always have high numbers and then there's a decline (usually 2k-5k an issue sometimes more). I'm sure it still has decent figures, but overall the writing is subpar not because of AF use

  10. #10


    I kinda gave up doing sales figures when the site went belly-up.

    97 23.68 MIGHTY CAPTAIN MARVEL #2 $3.99 MAR 24,172
    82 29.20 MIGHTY CAPTAIN MARVEL #3 $3.99 MAR 28,649

    For comparison:

  11. #11


    I was thinking around 30k. Not terrible numbers but not great

    is there anything we can do to help speed up the site getting fixed?

  12. #12
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I've finally just read the issue.
    The new recruits, I'm afraid, feed into my theory that the creators have read the name of Alpha Flight and dug no deeper.

    They call the recruits Alpha Cadets - when the names Beta Flight and Gamma Flight were lying around for them to use. Puck was in Beta Flight, and he's right there!

    Quote Originally Posted by K-M- View Post
    To me that means our Alphans are going to get less screen time than they already get as sure they will want to flesh out these new characters and give them the spotlight
    The biggest problem I'm having with the series is, -- while it's not actually bad -- I already find it perfunctory. They don't feel like they flesh anybody out, ever.

    I think part of it is an issue you hear about in real life - that you can never get to know your colleagues properly while you're in an office with them, not in their real life. We never see these characters in any other situation, but at work.

    ~ Le Messor
    "The world was here before you; why, therefore, should it owe you a living?"
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  13. #13


    To me, the new recruits are bland/boring. I'd rather see Northstar added to the group. When is Aurora coming back or is she not coming back? There's less Alpha Flight in Alpha Flight more and more, it seems.

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I think the new recruits could be interesting, and the writer is trying - throwing in personal touches here and there - they're just not letting us get to know anybody.

    ~ Le Messor
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