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Thread: Timeline for Alpha Flight

  1. #16
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Canberra, Australia


    Wow, I was wayyy off!

  2. #17


    Ok, here's the first updated and expanded timeline....feel free to offer up suggestions or synopses for events not expanded yet (see my first post on this thread for the background of the timeline)

    Circa 8,000 BC: As a result of the redirected extreme electromagnetic power surge of his exploding battlesuit, James MacDonald Hudson (44), suffering head trauma and internal bleeding from his battle with Jerry Jaxxon, arrives on the frozen surface of Ganymede, largest of Jupiter’s moons; Unable to breath the atmosphere and suffering from exposure to the extreme cold, James Hudson succumbs and “dies”; James is brought “back to life” by a native race to Ganymede, the Qwrlln, who, having never seen a human before, use their medical technology to integrate James’ battle suit components into his repaired body, making James a cyborg with the ability to control electromagnetic energy; James spends 10 months with the Qwrlln, who work to send James back to Earth; Realizing that he’s travelled through time as well as space, James and the Qwrlln devise a plan to place James in suspended animation for 10,000 years, while at the same time building a spacecraft capable of taking James to Earth; James Hudson enters suspended animation

    Circa 6,000 BC: As James Hudson sleeps in suspended animation, the Qwrlln engage in a total world war that destroys their civilization and almost all of their population; James’ spacecraft and suspended animation pod remain intact, kept safe in a hidden location

    1885: John Howlett, Jr. is born to Elizabeth Hudson Howlett and Thomas Logan in Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada; Elizabeth does not reveal John Jr.’s true parentage to her husband, John Howlett, Sr.

    1886: In early April, James Howlett is born to Elizabeth Hudson Howlett and Thomas Logan in Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada; Elizabeth does not reveal James’ true parentage to her husband, John Howlett, Sr.

    1897: John Howlett, Jr. (12)’s mutant power manifests itself as his hands produce sharp bone claws and, deranged from the trauma, he attacks his mother, savagely clawing her back; John Sr., defending his wife, kills John Jr.; Elizabeth Howlett is institutionalized from the trauma

    1899: After the murder of his “father”, John Howlett Sr., by the groundskeeper, Thomas Logan, James Howlett (13)’s mutant power manifests itself as his hands produce sharp bone claws and he savagely kills Thomas Logan; As a result of his mutant healing factor, James’ memories are also “healed” and he all memory of the events are lost; Escaping to British Columbia with his companion, Rose, James takes on the new name “Logan”; Because of his mutant healing factor, Logan starts to age at a greatly reduced rate

    1914: Birth of Eugene Judd

    1939:Eugene Judd (25) is cursed by the Black Blade of Baghdad, becoming “immortal” and being “cursed” with dwarfism

    56 Years ago: Birth of Michael Twoyoungmen

    52 Years ago: Birth of James MacDonald Hudson
    James - 0

    43 years ago:Birth of Walter Langkowski
    James - 9

    37 Years ago: Birth of Heather McNeil
    James - 15, Heather - 0

    30 years ago: Birth of Jean-Marie and Jean-Paul Beaubier, twins with a mysterious origin; The twins’ parents are killed tragically 6 months later. Jeanne-Marie is sent to an orphanage / boarding school and Jean-Paul Beaubier is adopted by the Martin family, becoming Jean-Paul Martin.
    James - 22, Heather - 7

    29 years ago:Birth of Elizabeth Twoyoungmen; Death of the Martins, orphaning Jean-Paul a second time.
    James - 23, Heather - 8

    27 years ago: Marrina’s Plodex egg is found by the Smallwoods in Nova Scotia and she is “born”
    James - 25, Heather - 10

    26 years ago: While in graduate school, James MacDonald Hudson completes work on a cyber helmet designed to interface with a proposed exoskeleton that uses electromagnetism for exploration in various environments; James graduates with a doctorate degree in petro-chemical engineering
    James - 26, Heather - 11

    25 years ago: James Hudson is hired by Jerome Jaxon at Am-Can Petroleum and gets an apartment in Edmonton, Alberta; Walter Langkowski (18 ) enters college at Penn State and meets fellow freshman, Bruce Banner; Walter begins working on the theories that will eventually lead to the Gamma Experiment
    James - 27, Heather - 12

    24 years ago: Michael Twoyoungmen (32), now a renowned physician, is informed that his wife, Katheryn, has terminal cancer; Michael promises his young daughter, Elizabeth (5) that he will cure her mom; Michael is unable to save Katheryn and she succumbs to the illness; Believing that her father has betrayed her by breaking his promise to save her mom, Elizabeth Twoyoungmen becomes estranged from her father; Overwhelmed and deep in grief, Michael Twoyoungmen leaves his life behind, travels deep into the Canadian wilderness and becomes an hermit; An archeologist named Richard Easton discovers a mystical headband at an archeological dig and is taken to the realm of the Northern Gods to father a child with the goddess Nelvanna
    James - 28, Heather - 13

    23 years ago:
    In the research and development division of the Am-Can Petroleum Company, James MacDonald Hudson begins designing an exoskeleton for exploring underground oil and mineral reserves; James uses the cyber helmet he designed and built during his doctoral work as the central control system
    James - 29, Heather - 14

    20 years ago:
    Heather McNeil is hired by Am-Can Petroleum as an executive secretary for the CEO of the company, Jerome Jaxon; Heather briefly meets James Hudson and “falls in love at first sight”; James Hudson completes a prototype cyber exoskeleton that uses electromagnetism to create force blasts for digging through the earth and force shields to protect itself from debris and harsh environments
    James - 32, Heather - 17

    19 years ago:
    January- Under orders from the directors of Am-Can, Jerry Jaxon informs James Hudson that the military will be taking control of his recently completed cyber exoskeleton for use in combat; James objects and quits the company; James returns later that night and steals the prototype and destroys all plans for the suit, taking the cyber helmet, that he designed and built on his own, with him, Without the control helmet, the suit is rendered unusable; Unable to deliver the suit to the military, Jerome Jaxon is fired from the company; Heather McNeil also quits the company in support of James, whom she has fallen in love with; Heather visits James at his apartment and suggests an idea to straighten out the mess that James has created by quitting; The couple travels to Ottawa and propose an idea to the government that is accepted; James Hudson is hired by the Canadian government to create Department H, a research and development department of the Canadian military designed to create “alternative solutions” to world problems; James and Heather learn about the creation of the Fantastic Four in the press and their appearance inspires James to channels Dept. H’s resources into the development of super beings; James begins to develop a “battlesuit” based on his Exploration suit’s abilities, but in a more streamlined style; February- After their relationship grows closer, Heather McNeil and James MacDonald Hudson are legally married; March- James and Heather move to 138A Laurier Drive, Ottawa; Later in the month on their delayed “honeymoon”, Logan is found by James and Heather and, with their help, recovers his faculties over the next few months; Late Spring- James MacDonald Hudson and Heather McNeil are married in church; Logan starts working as a Department H operative
    James - 33, Heather - 18

  3. #18


    Part 2:
    17 years ago: Jean-Marie Beaubier (13), depressed and conflicted, attempts to commit suicide but is saved when her mutant abilities kick in; the shock and guilt heaped upon her by the nuns of her orphanage causes Jean-Marie to repress her “free” personality creating a personality disorder; Logan chooses the codename “The Wolverine” and is given a yellow and blue costume by Dept. H; The Wolverine is sent by Dept H to stop The Hulk who has entered Canada and soon finds himself in a three-way battle with The Hulk and a Wendigo
    James - 35, Heather - 20

    16 years ago: The Canadian government, under the supervision of Generals Kinney and Chasen, begins experiments on injured soldiers to create superpowered beings; Encasing one soldier’s body in Adamantium, the soldier is designated “Weapon Y” and takes the codename Citadel; Citadel is secretly sent on missions for the government; Jean-Paul Martin (14) discovers that he has the mutant power of flight and super-speed and uses his mutant power to become a ski champion
    James - 36, Heather - 21

    15 years ago:
    James - 37, Heather - 22

    14 years ago: Michael Twoyoungmen (42), after being a hermit for 10 years, accepts his role as Shaman and begins his mystical training. Richard Easton returns from the Realm of the Northern Gods, having lost his sanity in the experience;
    James - 38, Heather - 23

    13 years ago: The Wolverine alters his costume’s mask making it look less feral; Michael Twoyoungmen (43), now as The Shaman, is summoned by the Northern Goddess, Nelvanna, to deliver her baby, Narya; Narya matures at a supernatural rate; Walter Langkowski (30) learns that Bruce Banner is the Hulk, and decides to reenact the gamma detonation incident; Walter brings his idea to the government and is directed to Dept. H.; James Hudson decides to support Walter’s research and approves funding for the development of a Gamma Ray enhancement project; Walter works as a science and technology advisor for James and Dept. H; After investigating a mystical disruption involving the mythical god of the Northern Lights, Saint Elmo, James is able to convince Saint Elmo to join Dept. H. With The Wolverine joined by Saint Elmo, James Hudson names his developing team The Flight
    James - 39, Heather 24

    12 years ago: James Hudson finds and recruits a young mutant with the ability to control metal, named Jodi Furman, and gives her the codename Stitch; Stitch begins training to join The Flight; Heather and James decide to visit Michael Twoyoungmen (44) at his cabin and are surprised to meet Narya; Heather accidentally discovers Narya’s mystical nature and James and Heather confront Michael; Michael reveals that he has become The Shaman, and explains of the mystical origins of Narya; James Hudson invites Michael and Narya to join Dept. H and they accept, taking the codenames of Shaman and Snowbird; Michael, as Shaman, works as a technical advisor and medic rather than participating in field work; James Hudson invites “The Smartest Man in Canada”, Alexander Thorne, to join The Flight as Smart Alec; James Hudson then recruits Sean Benard to Dept. H to wear an updated version of the Exploration Suit. Benard takes the name Groundhog as his codename; A threat to the nation soon arises and James Hudson sends out his new team, The Flight, led by The Wolverine, to take care of the problem; During the course of the battle, St. Elmo sacrifices himself to save his teammates; After the battle, Groundhog quits and James decides to “tier” the remaining heroes to provide more training for those who need it; Both Stitch and Smart Alec are placed in the newly founded Beta Flight; Jean-Marie Beaubier (18 ), in her “Aurora” personality, meets Logan; Logan introduces her to James Hudson and, as Aurora, becomes a member of Beta Flight; Jean-Paul Martin (18 ), secretly using his mutant powers of flight and super-speed to become a successful professional skier, joins the olympic team and, continuing to use his powers, wins an olympic gold medal for skiing
    James - 40, Heather 25

    11 years ago: Marrina (16) first displays her powers; James MacDonald Hudson’s streamlined “battlesuit” is finally completed; To wear over the cyber-suit and rounded control helmet, James designs a costume using the Canadian flag as an inspiration; When superpowered terrorists take over a military base in Quebec, Dept H is called on to send help; James sends the current members of the newly organized Alpha Flight, with The Wolverine leading Shaman, on his first field mission, and Snowbird; Aurora from Beta Flight is called on for the mission as well; the new Alpha Flight battles the leader of the terrorists, Citadel, formerly Weapon Y, who has rebelled against his government controllers; After Alpha Flight defeats Citadel, Logan learns that the government has been conducting secret experiments on soldiers against their will; Enraged, Logan quits Dept. H to join the X-Men, slashing General Chasen’s tie as he leaves; As James is showing his newly created costume to Heather, General Chasen contacts him and demands that Hudson force Wolverine to return to pay for his actions; Feeling betrayed by Logan’s actions, and seeing no other alternative, James MacDonald Hudson decides to step into the role of field leader of Alpha Flight, using the codename Weapon Alpha; James begins intensive battle training to prepare himself for his role; Jean-Paul Martin (19), having received media attention for his accomplishments as a professional skier, is discovered by Heather Hudson who immediately tells James that Jean-Paul must be related to Jean-Marie; James uses Dept H resources to locate Jean-Paul and, after arranging a meeting, entices Jean-Paul into joining Dept. H using the offer to get to know his twin sister; Jean-Paul, changing his last name back to “Beaubier” and using the codename Northstar, begins training as a member of Beta Flight; Waking up from his suspended animation on Ganymede after ten thousand years, James Hudson (44) finds that the Qwrlin have destroyed their civilization and have de-evolved to a primitive state; Finding the spacecraft the Qwrlin designed and built for him still intact, James takes the ship and begins the 28 month journey in suspended animation back to Earth
    James - 41, Heather 26

    10 years ago: Late Summer- James Hudson as Weapon Alpha is sent by the government to recapture Wolverine; After accidentally injuring Moira MacTaggert during the attempt, James returns home to Heather and, feeling he needs to atone for his mistake, decides to change his codename to “Vindicator”; Walter Langkowski (33) finally completes and uses on himself a Gamma Ray machine to attempt to safely harness Gamma Rays for enhanced strength; Unbeknownst to Walter, the machine accidentally opens a “doorway” to the Realm of the Gods and Walter is bonded with one of the Great Beasts; Transformed into a giant, orange-haired beast, Walter travels hundreds of miles across the North before finally transforming back to human form; After being found by Snowbird, Walter Langkowski recovers in a local hospital and, after talking with James, decides to name his alternate form, “Sasquatch”; James, seeing the need for a stronger team after his confrontation with the X-Men, has Walter join Alpha Flight directly; Aurora (20) and Northstar (20) are promoted to Alpha Flight; Marrina (17) is brought to Dept. H and becomes the first member of Gamma Flight; Eugene Judd, because of his experience and skill, is recruited directly into Beta Flight, using the codename Puck; Winter- James Hudson is ordered by the Prime Minister to use Alpha Flight to try and recapture Logan; Alpha Flight confronts the X-Men in Calgary and, after battling each other to a stalemate, must work together to control an rogue blizzard; Logan eventually evades capture and James must answer to the Prime Minister for the team’s failure; With the effectiveness of The Flight Program being questioned by the government, James increases his recruitment of members after Alpha’s performance against the X-Men; Diamond Lil is recruited into Gamma Flight; Roger Bochs, a technological genius, is personally recruited by James; Roger Bochs, assisted by James, designs a robot, codenamed Box, that is controlled via a remote neural link; Box enters Beta Flight directly; After a mishap on a training mission, Smart Alec is demoted to Gamma Flight; Flashback joins Gamma Flight but quickly rise into Beta Flight; After months of successful training, Marrina moves into Beta Flight
    James - 42, Heather 27

    9 years ago: Wild Child and Madison Jeffries are recruited to Gamma Flight; Spring- Alpha Flight searches for the Wendigo with Wolverine and Nightcrawler of the X-Men; In spite of a successful mission, Department H is shut down; 2 weeks later, Alpha Flight reassembles unofficially at Heather Hudson’s initiative after Richard Easton summons Tundra; Summer- Alpha Flight regroups to save Marrina (18 ) from The Master; Early Fall- James receives a job offer from Roxxon Oil
    James - 43, Heather 28

    8 years ago: February 29th- Delphine Courtney visits Roger Bochs to recruit him into Jerry Jaxon’s Omega Flight; Roger tries to contact James Hudson to warn him but is unable to reach him; Roger decides to join Courtney’s team in New York to try and sabotage it from within, but is captured instead, Jerry Jaxon takes control of Bochs’ “Box Armor”; March 2nd- Heather Hudson leaves Canada to join James in New York; When she arrives at the airport, Heather is met by Delphine Courtney who brings Heather to the World Trade Center, confining her to an office room as, via video, Jerry Jaxon reveals his plan to destroy James; James learns that Heather has been kidnapped and alerts Alpha Flight while racing to her rescue; James battles Omega Flight as Alpha Flight makes their way to the battle; James is separated from the battle by an attack by Box; Revealing himself to be the one controlling the Box robot, and not Roger Bochs, Jerry Jaxon savagely beats James, shorting out James’ battlesuit’s force field and causing critical damage to the control circuits; Already suffering head trauma and internal bleeding from Box’s attack to his body, James desperately creates a feedback explosion, using his battlesuit’s components, that kills Jerry Jaxon through his neural link with Box; The damage to his battlesuit begins to overload its power pack and James realizes that he has only a few seconds before the overloading power pack explodes; Heather, who has escaped Courtney, makes her way into the room where James is; When Heather enters, James realizes that the explosion will kill her as well and quickly reroutes circuits to use the power pack to create a temporal rift, sending James hurtling unguided through time and space to arrive on Ganymede, largest moon of Jupiter, 10,000 years in the past; In front of Heather, the air around James’ location is carbonized and James Hudson appears to have been vaporized by the explosion; Heather collapses in grief; Days later, the members of Alpha Flight gather for James MacDonald Hudson’s funeral; Heather begins to have nightmares based on her feelings of guilt and grief over James’ death; April- Elizabeth Twoyoungmen (21) becomes Talisman; After 28 months in space, James Hudson (44)’s ship arrives from Ganymede and crash lands in the waters off of British Columbia; A passing Roxxon Corporation research vessel finds the ship and the hibernating James Hudson and brings them to the corporate office in Denver in the US; Hudson is kept in special Science wing of the building and his brain is connected to the Roxxon computer network in hopes to gain Hudson’s vast knowledge base; May- Heather McNeil Hudson becomes leader of Alpha Flight; Delphine Courtney, still in hiding, is obsessed with gaining revenge on Heather Hudson for her part in the destruction of her “father”, Jerry Jaxon; Randomly tapping into the Roxxon Oil computer system network, Courtney learns about James Hudson’s recovery and, through his neural link to Roxxon, learns of his time on Ganymede; Delphine Courtney develops a plan to impersonate the comatose James and take revenge on Heather and Alpha Flight; Courtney frees the imprisoned members of Omega Flight and alters her form to create a double of James Hudson; Impersonating James, Courtney infiltrates Alpha Flight and incapacitates them, finally revealing herself to Heather; After Alpha Flight fights back, Delphine Courtney, while trying to escape, is confronted and killed by Madison Jeffries; Madison Jeffries joins Alpha Flight; Heather is given a re-creation of James’ battle suit and takes the name “Vindicator”
    James - 44, Heather 29

    7 years ago: (events of Alpha Flight circa # 35- #86)
    James - 45, Heather 30

    6 years ago:James Hudson is discovered to be alive at Roxxon’s Denver offices and is freed from his imprisonment there; James Hudson, now a cyborg with a “colder” personality as a result of the mechanical components of his brain, reunites with Heather and takes on the name “Vindicator” once again; James reverses the colors on his costume to represent his new, darker outlook and changes his costume’s helmet to a more form-fitting style, no longer needing the rounded “control helmet” of his original battlesuit; Heather changes her name to “Guardian”; Vindicator sacrifices his life to save Alpha Flight; James’ body is lost in an inter-space void; The members of Alpha Flight gather for the funeral for James MacDonald Hudson;
    (events of Alpha Flight #101 - #128)
    The Master finds James Hudson’s body and revives and brainwashes him; James is renamed “The Anti-guard” and is sent against Alpha Flight; James breaks free of The Master’s control and defeats him; Alpha Flight is disbanded by the government; Finally reunited, James and Heather work as scientists for Dept. H
    James - 46, Heather 31

    5 years ago: Despite having been finally reunited, James and Heather realize that they have grown apart and decide to separate; Dept H forms a new Alpha Flight team and creates a synthezoid 19 year old version of James Hudson to lead the team; The original members of Alpha Flight reunite to battle the new team; Both James and his 19 year old Synthezoid double are captured by AIM; Wolverine joins Alpha Flight to rescue them; On the rescue mission, the 19 year old Synthezoid James Hudson is killed saving the rest of the group from AIM; James and Heather reunite, becoming a couple once again, and soon conceive a child
    James - 47, Heather - 32

    4 years ago: Claire MacNeil Hudson is born to James and Heather; When Alpha Flight is captured by the Plodex, Sasquatch forms a new Alpha Flight team to rescue them; After being freed, Alpha Flight uses a Plodex spacecraft to return the remaining earthbound Plodex eggs back to their homeworld; After being missing for months, James and Heather are declared dead and Claire is legally given to Heather’s cousin to raise
    James - 48, Heather - 33, Claire - 0

    3 years ago:
    James - 49, Heather - 34, Claire - 1

    2 years ago: After being denied custody of their daughter because of their “dangerous lifestyle”, Heather rebels and “steals” Claire, killing her cousin in the process; After battling to save Canada and the world, Heather disappears with Claire
    James - 50, Heather - 35, Claire - 2

    1 year ago: After a long search, James Hudson tracks down Heather and Claire; Heather and James reconcile and begin to live as a family; James and Heather continue to struggle with their relationship; James leaves the family’s cabin near Ottawa after a fight and takes a mission for the government to investigate an incident in a small Ontario town; Arriving in the town, James finds that the town’s population have been turned into Wendigos; James battles the Wendigos single handedly before being joined by Alpha Flight; Heather contacts Wolverine and the X-Men for help and soon both teams are battling the Wendigos and The Great Beast who controls them; Alpha Flight is successful in defeating the Wendigos and restoring the population of the town; Heather and James reconcile once again
    James - 51, Heather - 36, Claire - 3

    Now: Alpha Flight is restructured and some members are assigned to an orbiting space station under the supervision of Carol Danvers
    James - 52, Heather - 37, Claire - 4

  4. #19
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    This is an enormous amount of work. I agree with Le Messor: the twins seem to be younger than thirty, and Heather is not younger than they are. The different ages of the characters is one of the elements of diversity that make original Alpha Flight what it is.

  5. #20


    You're correct in the fact that Heather is older than the twins; 7 years older to be exact. As for the twins being younger than thirty, I explained how the twins age was calculated a couple of posts back. It comes down to a couple of solid facts set down by John Byrne via narration in the text: Aurora is 18 when she joins Beta Flight and 19 when she's moved up to Alpha, which is the year before AF #1, making the twins 20 in AF #1. Heather and James celebrate their 10 year anniversary "next Thursday" after AF #1, making Heather 28 for that issue, "not yet thirty" in #11, and 29 according to her speech to Judd in AF #13. AF#88 has Madison Jeffries mention that Guardian "died over two years ago", so AF #100 places the twins at 24 and Heather at 31. With the in-text passing of time, 2 separate "months later" / "year later" Marvel events, or, at the bare minimum, the age of baby Claire for V.4 (eighteen months old), the twins are pushing 30. I've calculated there to be 6 additional Marvel years after AF#100, based on the above evidence, making the twins 30 and Heather 37. You are completely correct that the diversity, including age, is one of the best parts of the series and hopefully future writers will embrace that

  6. #21


    I think the issue for me was that reading AF as a child, #1 Heather in her shorts, high river t-shirt, and big glasses appeared younger to me than teaching staff Jeanne-Marie and Olympic skier Jean-Paul, so that always stuck with me.
    Yet as you say, laid down in a clear timeline, she's clearly not.

  7. #22


    Here's a quick question that I need an answer to: Is the flashback scene in AF vol 2. #1, where Mac is stabbed by Logan, canon or is it some sort of false memory implant? There's a very small window of time where Mac has his costume and Wolverine is still part of Dept H, so I was curious if the event really happened.

  8. #23


    It hasn't been stated either way.

    One interpretation was that it was a memory implant given to the clone, to explain the de-aging.
    Another is that it happened and that was when they took the cells to clone him.

  9. #24
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    When Logan first saw the costume in Uncanny #109, he acted like he didn't recognise it.

    Just something I'm putting out there.

    ~ Le Messor
    "You're on the road to success when you realise that failure is merely a detour."
    ~ WGP

  10. #25


    to complicate things further, Mac and Logan chit chat while Mac's in costume and both fight Bedlam IN costume (flashback AF #52 - 53). Timeline: Mac makes his costume......Mac finds Bedlam.....Mac and Logan fight Bedlam.....Logan guts Mac.....Mac sends Logan with Proto AF to fight Citadel....Mac shows off his costume to Heather...Logan quits. Does that make sense at all?

  11. #26


    and the trauma of joining the X-men and fighting in space against the Shiar makes Logan's healing factor "heal away" his memory of Mac in costume?

  12. #27
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceGuardian
    Does that make sense at all?

    Unfortunate side-effect of multiple writers over the years.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Insight plus hindsight equals foresight."
    ~ Russell Murphy

  13. #28


    It's awesome to read AF history in that format! Thanks

  14. #29


    So, I'm hard at work cranking out a much better and more expanded version of my timeline and I've got some questions maybe the group can come to a consensus on:

    1. two conflicting times of year for James' birthday: in AF vol. 2 #19, Mac the synth says he was born in October vs. AF vol. 2 #1 where the narration says James is a Sagittarius ie. born between Nov. 21st and Dec. 21st

    2. the AF Vol 2 #1 flashback of Logan stabbing Mac: implant or memory?

    3. Can we all pretend and make canon that the ORIGINAL members of AF all left on the Plodex ship at the end of vol. 3 and that the temporal copies were the ones killed by The Collective. Then the original ones were let out of the land of the dead during Chaos War and as soon as they got back they returned to their timeline. Meanwhile, Mac and co. delivered the plodex eggs and returned home, never having been killed off

  15. #30
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceGuardian
    1. two conflicting times of year for James' birthday: in AF vol. 2 #19, Mac the synth says he was born in October vs. AF vol. 2 #1 where the narration says James is a Sagittarius ie. born between Nov. 21st and Dec. 21st.

    I'd give it to the original one; if a synth says he was born in October, it's possible that's the synth's creation date rather than the original's birth date.

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceGuardian
    2. the AF Vol 2 #1 flashback of Logan stabbing Mac: implant or memory?

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceGuardian
    3. Can we all pretend and make canon that the ORIGINAL members of AF all left on the Plodex ship at the end of vol. 3 and that the temporal copies were the ones killed by The Collective? Then the original ones were let out of the land of the dead during Chaos War and as soon as they got back they returned to their timeline. Meanwhile, Mac and co. delivered the plodex eggs and returned home, never having been killed off.
    Sounds good, but in this scenario: how did the originals get to the land of the dead? Something happened in space?

    ~ Le Messor
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