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Thread: Timeline for Alpha Flight

  1. #1

    Default Timeline for Alpha Flight

    After going over countless issues and coordinating "Marvel-time" with "Real-time" and "in-story narrative", I've come up with a timeline for Alpha Flight in the Marvel Universe. I follow James and Heather's personal story as the "trunk" of the timeline since that seems to make the most sense. Feel free to add or offer up feedback on the events (I know there's stuff not listed, but I was going for setting up the "base" first. The determining dates are all from references in the AF series as well as the "in-universe" passing of Marvel-time. Any questions or feedback, please let me know.
    Part 1:
    1914: Birth of Eugene Judd

    1939:Eugene Judd cursed by the Black Blade of Baghdad

    56 Years ago: Birth of Michael Twoyoungmen

    52 Years ago: Birth of James MacDonald Hudson
    James - 0

    43 years ago:Birth of Walter Langkowski
    James - 9

    37 Years ago: Birth of Heather McNeil
    James - 15, Heather - 0

    30 years ago: Birth of the Beaubier twins ; death of their parents. Jeanne-Marie is sent to an orphanage / boarding school and Jean-Paul Beaubier becomes Jean-Paul Martin.
    James - 22, Heather - 7

    29 years ago:Birth of Elizabeth Twoyoungmen; Death of the Martins, orphaning Jean-Paul a second time.
    James - 23, Heather - 8

    27 years ago: Marrina’s Plodex egg is found by the Smallwoods in Nova Scotia and she is “born”
    James - 25, Heather - 10

    26 years ago: While in graduate school, James MacDonald Hudson completes work on a cyber helmet designed to interface with a proposed exoskeleton that uses electromagnetism for exploration in various environments; James graduates with a doctorate degree in petro-chemical engineering
    James - 26, Heather - 11

    25 years ago: James Hudson is hired by Am-Cam Petroleum and gets an apartment in Edmonton , Alberta; In the research and development division, James begins designing an exoskeleton for exploring underground oil and mineral reserves; Walter Langkowski (1 enters college at Penn State and meets fellow freshman, Bruce Banner; Walter begins working on the theories that will eventually lead to the Gamma Experiment
    James - 27, Heather - 12

    24 years ago:Death of Katheryn Twoyoungmen ; Elizabeth Twoyoungmen (5) becomes estranged from her father; Michael Twoyoungmen (32) becomes an hermit; Richard Easton discovers a mystical headband at an archeological dig and is taken to the realm of the Northern Gods to father a child with Nelvanna
    James - 28, Heather - 13

    20 years ago:
    Heather McNeil is hired by Am-Can Petroleum as an executive secretary for the CEO of the company, Jerome Jaxon; Heather briefly meets James Hudson and “falls in love at first sight”; James Hudson completes a prototype cyber exoskeleton that uses electromagnetism to create force blasts for digging through the earth and force shields to protect itself from debris and harsh environments
    James - 32, Heather - 17

    19 years ago:
    January- Heather McNeil and James Hudson leave Am-Can Petroleum; James Hudson is hired by the Canadian government; Creation of Department H; McNeil and Hudson learn about the creation of the Fantastic Four in the press and Hudson channels Dept. H’s resources into the development of super beings; February- Heather McNeil and James MacDonald Hudson legally married; March- James and Heather move to 138 Laurier Drive, Apt. B, Ottawa; On their delayed “honeymoon”, Logan is found by McNeil and Hudson and recovers his faculties over the next few months; Late Spring- Heather and James are married in church; Logan starts working as a Department H operative
    James - 33, Heather - 18

  2. #2


    17 years ago: Jean-Marie Beaubier (13), depressed and conflicted, attempts to commit suicide but is saved when her mutant abilities kick in; the shock and guilt heaped upon her by the nuns of her orphanage causes Jean-Marie to repress her “free” personality creating a personality disorder
    James - 35, Heather - 20

    14 years ago: Michael Twoyoungmen (42), after being a hermit for 10 years, accepts his role as Shaman and begins his mystical training. Richard Easton returns from the Realm of the Northern Gods, having lost his sanity in the experience
    James - 38, Heather 23

    13 years ago: Michael Twoyoungmen (43), now as The Shaman, is summoned by the Northern Goddess, Nelvanna, to deliver her baby, Narya; Narya matures at a supernatural rate; Walter Langkowski (30) learns that Bruce Banner is the Hulk, and decides to reenact the gamma detonation incident; Walter brings his idea to the government and is directed to Dept. H.; James Hudson decides to support Walter’s research and approves funding for the development of a Gamma Ray enhancement project; Walter works as a science and technology advisor for James and Dept. H; After investigating a mystical disruption involving the mythical Saint Elmo, James is able to convince Saint Elmo to join Dept. H. With The Wolverine joined by Saint Elmo, James Hudson names his developing team The Flight
    James - 39, Heather 24

    12 years ago: James Hudson finds and recruits a young mutant with the ability to control metal, named Jodi Furman, and gives her the codename Stitch; Stitch begins training to join The Flight; Heather and James decide to visit Michael Twoyoungmen (44) at his cabin and are surprised to meet Narya; Heather accidentally discovers Narya’s mystical nature and James and Heather confront Michael; Michael reveals that he has become The Shaman, and explains of the mystical origins of Narya; James Hudson invites Michael and Narya to join Dept. H and they accept, taking the codenames of Shaman and Snowbird; James Hudson invites “The Smartest Man in Canada”, Alexander Thorne, to join The Flight as Smart Alec; James Hudson then recruits Sean Benard to Dept. H to wear an updated version of the Exploration Suit. Benard takes the name Groundhog as his codename; A threat to the nation soon arises and James Hudson sends out his new team, The Flight, led by Wolverine, to take care of the problem; During the course of the battle, St. Elmo sacrifices himself to save his teammates; After the battle, Groundhog quits and James decides to “tier” the remaining heroes to provide more training for those who need it; Both Stitch and Smart Alec are placed in the newly founded Beta Flight; Jean-Marie Beaubier (1, in her “Aurora” personality, meets Logan; Logan introduces her to James Hudson and, as Aurora, becomes a member of Beta Flight
    James - 40, Heather 25

    11 years ago: Marrina (16) first displays her powers; James MacDonald Hudson’s Weapon Alpha suit is completed; To wear over the cyber-suit, James designs a costume using the Canadian flag as an inspiration; Logan quits Dept. H to join the X-Men, slashing General Chasen’s tie as he leaves; James MacDonald Hudson decides to step into the role of field leader of Alpha Flight; Jean-Paul Beaubier (19) is discovered by Heather Hudson and enticed into joining Dept. H by James using the offer to get to know his twin sister; Jean-Paul, using the codename Northstar, begins training as a member of Beta Flight
    James - 41, Heather 26

    10 years ago: Late Summer- James Hudson as Weapon Alpha is sent by Dept. H to recapture Wolverine; After accidentally injuring Moira MacTaggert during the attempt, James returns home to Heather and decides to change his codename to “Vindicator”; Walter Langkowski (33) finally completes and uses on himself a Gamma Ray machine to attempt to safely harness Gamma Rays for enhanced strength; Unbeknownst to Walter, the machine accidentally opens a “doorway” to the Realm of the Gods and Walter is bonded with one of the Great Beasts; Walter Langkowski becomes Sasquatch and joins Alpha Flight; Aurora and Northstar are promoted to Alpha Flight; Marrina (17) is brought to Dept. H and becomes the first member of Gamma Flight; Eugene Judd, because of his experience and skill, is recruited directly into Beta Flight; Winter- First clash between Alpha Flight and the X-Men; James increases his recruitment of members after Alpha’s performance against the X-Men; Diamond Lil is recruited into Gamma Flight; After a mishap on a training mission, Smart Alec is demoted to Gamma Flight; Flashback and Box join Gamma Flight but quickly rise into Beta Flight; Marrina moves into Beta Flight
    James - 42, Heather 27

    9 years ago: Wild Child and Madison Jeffries are recruited to Gamma Flight; Spring- Alpha Flight searches for the Wendigo with Wolverine and Nightcrawler of the X-Men; In spite of a successful mission, Department H is shut down; 2 weeks later, Alpha Flight reassembles unofficially at Heather Hudson’s initiative after Richard Easton summons Tundra; Summer- Alpha Flight regroups to save Marrina (1 from The Master; Early Fall- James receives a job offer from Roxxon Oil
    James - 43, Heather 28

    8 years ago: March 2nd- James MacDonald Hudson is “killed” (teleported to Jupiter); April- Elizabeth Twoyoungmen (21) becomes Talisman; May- Heather McNeil Hudson becomes leader of Alpha Flight; Heather is given a re-creation of James’ battle suit and takes the name “Vindicator”; Heather changes her name to “Guardian”
    James - 44, Heather 29

    7 years ago: James Hudson, now a cyborg, returns to Alpha Flight and takes on the name “Vindicator” once again; James reverses the colors on his costume to represent his new, darker outlook; Vindicator sacrifices his life to save Alpha Flight; James’ body is lost in an inter-space void; The Master finds James Hudson’s body and revives and brainwashes him; James is renamed “The Anti-guard” and is sent against Alpha Flight; James breaks free of The Master’s control and defeats him; Alpha Flight is disbanded by the government; Finally reunited, James and Heather work as scientists for Dept. H
    James - 45, Heather 30

    6 years ago:Dept H forms a new Alpha Flight team and creates a synthezoid 19 year old version of James Hudson to lead the team; The original members of Alpha Flight reunite to battle the new team; On a rescue mission, the 19 year old Synthezoid James Hudson is killed
    James - 46, Heather 31

    5 years ago: Claire MacNeil Hudson is born to James and Heather
    James - 47, Heather - 32, Claire - 0

    4 years ago: When Alpha Flight is captured by the Plodex, Sasquatch forms a new Alpha Flight team to rescue them; After being freed, Alpha Flight uses a Plodex spacecraft to return the remaining earthbound Plodex eggs back to their homeworld; After being missing for months, James and Heather are declared dead and Claire is legally given to Heather’s cousin to raise
    James - 48, Heather - 33, Claire - 1

    3 years ago: Heather rebels and “steals” Claire
    James - 49, Heather - 34, Claire - 2

    2 years ago: Heather and James reconcile and begin to live as a family
    James - 50, Heather - 35, Claire - 3

    1 year ago: James and Heather battle against an outbreak of Wendigos
    James - 51, Heather - 36, Claire - 4

    James - 52, Heather - 37, Claire - 5

  3. #3


    This is very nice work indeed!

    Are the actual birth dates for the various characters (excepting Puck) known (ignoring sliding scale) or are you going by 'I am x years old' type references in the comics?

    Can you expand this great work for the other characters please?

  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    I second Ogrebear - you've clearly done a lot of work on this. Well done!

    I think of the twins as being a little younger than thirty, though. How did you choose that age?

    Ogrebear: I don't think most of the characters have given actual birth dates.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Laugh and the world laughs with you; snore and you sleep alone."
    ~ Anthony Burgess

  5. #5


    I'd say Heather is younger than the twins, personally.

  6. #6


    And I wouldn't put Claire as older than 3.
    Especially when in context to Franklin & Val Richards.

  7. #7


    AF original series issue #9: Jean-Marie learns to fly at 13 (In text narration) and then meets Logan "five years later"; making her 18 when she joins Dept H. She meets her brother within the next year, making her 19, and then spends a year of training (AF #7 - Jean-Paul says "can I speak of the year of training"), making her 20 when AF battles the X-Men. One year passes (the time is calculated using Marrina's age- in text narration says she's 18 for AF #1 and 2-4 and joined Dept H at 17 a year before) making Aurora 21 for AF #1. Using other story references in the series and adding "Marvel Events" that have moved the entire universe timeline ahead in various chunks, AF #1 occurred 9 years ago. And to the point of Claire's age, she's 18 months old for the last mini-series (the judge awarding custody states her age), and there's been 3 and a half years of Marvel time that's elapsed since then (the last jump being the "8 months later.." after Secret Wars

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Wow, SpaceGuardian! I'm impressed!

  10. #10


    Thanks! I take your "impressed" as a high compliment. My ultimate goal is to be able to fit in all the events of the AF continuity into this timeline framework. So feel free to suggest events that I can add to this timeline as I keep expanding it on my end. I'll post updated versions here as I add to the years' events (and hopefully be able to avoid anymore number 18's turning into a happy face with sunglasses (1

  11. #11
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I just add a space: (18 ). It's a nuisance, but better'n the smiley face.

    (Of course, I've seen it so often, I know what it means anyway.)

    ~ Le Messor
    "If you keep missing, get closer to the basket."
    ~ Cynthia Copeland Lewis, Really Important Stuff My Kids Have Taught Me

  12. #12


    So, if anyone thinks my ages or "years ago" are skewed, Marvel just produced a cover to Uncanny Avengers #20 which depicts a tombstone for Cable with the birth year of 1998. Alpha Flight / X-men Special ( the first one, vs Loki) features the announcement that Cable's mom, Madelynne Pryor, is 3 months pregnant, making AF #10 - #29 occur 19 years ago! I'm choosing to ignore that little bit on information. And a question, as I make improvements and additions to my timeline should I post them to this thread or start a "Improved AF Timeline" thread? Again, ultimately, I'd like to fold in story descriptions for all the events listed in the awesome reading chronology in the other thread.

  13. #13


    I think the issue is that they'll forever slide the timelines to keep the characters relevant, so you may have a lot of constant updating to do!

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I'd go with continue to update this thread.

    1998 is about the year Cable was introduced as a character (as I'm sure you know), so the tombstone was probably meant as a nod to that.

    ~ Le Messor
    "In other words, apart from the known and the unknown, what else is there?"
    ~ Harold Pinter

  15. #15


    Cable's first appearance was 1990 (or 1986 as baby Nathan Summers).

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