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Thread: No Northstar Is No Happy...

  1. #1

    Default No Northstar Is No Happy...

    I miss Northstar. The X-Men offices still have a claim on him? He isn't being used in any X-book that we know of, why not let him be used in Captain Marvel (with his sister)?

    It seems especially important for gay folks to be visible right now, why us Marvel ignoring him? I'd really like to see him being used somewhere in the Marvel U.

    We could say the almost same about Madison Jefffries (being a former Alphan who is being largely ignored by the X-book creators, not that he's gay).

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 06-23-2016 at 10:21 AM. Reason: Edited to add comment about Jefferies.

  2. #2


    I like that Northstar's not in CM as it gives Aurora some spotlight and chance to shine without her brother.

    I do agree that he should be used though.

    And the same with MadJef.
    I liked that Fraction used him as Forge was 'dead' so was slightly disappointed when Hopeless brought Forge back for Cable & X-Force, and that Lemire carried on using him.
    Last edited by Phil; 06-23-2016 at 12:04 PM.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I like that Northstar's not in CM as it gives Aurora some spotlight and chance to shine without her brother.

    I do agree that he should be used though.

    And the same with MadJef.
    I liked that Fraction used him as Forge was 'dead' so was slightly disappointed when Hopeless brought Forge back for Cable & X-Force, and that Lemire carried on using him.
    I agree that it's nice to see Aurora do her own thing.

    But yes, Northstar should be used somewhere.

    And as for Forge... no one stays dead. Ever.

  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I like that Northstar's not in CM as it gives Aurora some spotlight and chance to shine without her brother.
    ... but her powers don't work that way.

    Yes, I know what you meant, it's just your comment tied in so well with their power set, and technically after Walt's changes to her they do and...
    ~ Le Messor
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    ... but her powers don't work that way.
    lol nice

  6. #6


    They should play up her split personalties...maybe her powers manifest differently depending on the person she is. Hard to show this however as she just a supporting cast member with limited space on the panels.

  7. #7
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    That different power per personality has happened before (Legion), but it's never been part of Aurora's power set in the past... not exactly.
    (Jeanne-Marie once said that Aurora stops her from using flight, though.)

    ~ Le Messor
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    That different power per personality has happened before (Legion), but it's never been part of Aurora's power set in the past... not exactly.
    (Jeanne-Marie once said that Aurora stops her from using flight, though.)
    Beat me to it. It'd be too much like Legion.

  9. #9

  10. #10


    "Death of X" is just Marvel trying to make the Inhumans a thing bigger than the mutants since the mutants are owned by others. Hence the retconn that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch aren't mutants or related to Magneto, that Terrigen Crystals/Mist can kill mutants when for over 30 years mutants have been exposed to Terrigen with zero negative effects, some positive. Sad story idea now, to me. Magneto Cyclops being dead is good to me, they can move on to more positive stories, but they decided no, better to go backward and fight the Inhumans again to raise the Inhumans' stature in the public's eyes before their movie.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  11. #11

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    "Death of X" is just Marvel trying to make the Inhumans a thing bigger than the mutants since the mutants are owned by others. Hence the retconn that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch aren't mutants or related to Magneto, that Terrigen Crystals/Mist can kill mutants when for over 30 years mutants have been exposed to Terrigen with zero negative effects, some positive. Sad story idea now, to me. Magneto Cyclops being dead is good to me, they can move on to more positive stories, but they decided no, better to go backward and fight the Inhumans again to raise the Inhumans' stature in the public's eyes before their movie.
    You might enjoy my (very cynical) write up about "The Death of X"...

  13. #13


    I've read a lot from people stating how Disney fried FF so Fox wouldn't get promotions from the Comic Book, and that Death of X is meant 100% to make the Inhumans the new mutants, move mainstream mutants that Fox uses off the board and use mutants they haven't used in movies in books; don't promote for Fox. Force them to make a deal. If I'm Fox, the next movie is Doctor Doom. So yes, I liked your work, Tawmis.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    I've read a lot from people stating how Disney fried FF so Fox wouldn't get promotions from the Comic Book, and that Death of X is meant 100% to make the Inhumans the new mutants, move mainstream mutants that Fox uses off the board and use mutants they haven't used in movies in books; don't promote for Fox. Force them to make a deal. If I'm Fox, the next movie is Doctor Doom. So yes, I liked your work, Tawmis.
    We're on the same page.

    However - one thing FOX has proven twice now - they don't know how to write Doctor Doom either...

  15. #15


    The thing is, back in the 90's when the X-Men started becoming popular and the Avengers and FF got pushed to the back no-one cared.
    When Heroes Reborn happened and they were all shunted off to another Universe no-one cared.
    Now it's the X-Men's turn to take a back seat and everyone's up in arms.
    It's all cyclical; it'll be the X-Men's turn soon enough when the movies have caused Avengers-fatigue.

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