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Thread: Atop the Fourth Wall - What AF issue/Arc should Linakra review?

  1. #1
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    Default Atop the Fourth Wall - What AF issue/Arc should Linakra review?

    I have no idea how many of you guys on here watch or at least aware of the online comic reviews show Atop the Fourth Wall tag line: where bad comics burn. Since 2007, Lewis Luvhaug aka Linkara has been starring, writing, and producing said show on a weekly basis where he humors, informs, and rages about some of the worst comics every made (plus some meh comics and a few awesome ones just to spice things up). Sadly (or perhaps happily depending on your view) no Alpha Flight issue has ever been reviewed on his show. In fact in the nine years he's being doing this, I can recall AF being mentioned exactly once, and that was in a joke he made regarding an issue where Spider-Man went to Winnipeg to fight electro ( spidey comments there are no superheroes in Canada, and Linkara quips : dude alpha flight just got dissed.) anyways he now has a patreon program and depending on the pricing for it, I was going to look into buying a review( purchaser gets to pick what comic he reviews, date of linkaras choosing) and selecting an alpha flight book/arc. And I was looking for suggestions. My personal thought is it should be an issue/arc where while their are bad things about it so he can make jokes, there should be enough good of the alpha we know and love on the off chance others watching his video get intrigued and decide to check out AF for themselves. So yeah, no volume 2 or 3 issues I think. The best I can think of right now is the world tour arc they did at the tail end of Lobdells run. It's got camp, bad artwork for all but the last issue, and said last issue actually has good plot good art and has all of the characters doing what they do best.
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  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I think he's mentioned AF more than that, but not by much. I do remember that line, though.
    They've certainly appeared on-screen in his show before (pretty sure they turned up in his Rom retrospective, though unnamed).

    Somebody in the comments once suggested #22, though I don't know why. I even asked, and it was something vague about a character being a too-skinny bimbo type. I suspect he meant JP's old circus chum, because nobody else unique to the issue came close.

    Something-bad-but good? How about the scrambled eggs issue? (#1

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  3. #3


    I loved the scramble egg issue!, I even have that page framed hanging in on my office wall. lol. Reason: tribal humor around here. We were scared of powder eggs and for some reason, I imagined the attacking eggs were the powder eggs attacking tribal people in their homes.
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  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    LoL! See, Shaman was right!

  5. #5
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mekko Hotvle View Post
    I loved the scramble egg issue!, I even have that page framed hanging in on my office wall. lol. Reason: tribal humor around here. We were scared of powder eggs and for some reason, I imagined the attacking eggs were the powder eggs attacking tribal people in their homes.
    What was frightening about powder eggs? I'm not jesting just curious.
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  6. #6
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    I think he's mentioned AF more than that, but not by much. I do remember that line, though.
    They've certainly appeared on-screen in his show before (pretty sure they turned up in his Rom retrospective, though unnamed).
    I'm trying to remember, didn't someone mention dire wraiths in an Issue of AF? Another thing I was curious, on the way unlikely chance he did a secret origins month edition on Alpha Flight which issue would he review? Would he review Guardians first appearance in Xmen (can't remember issue but I know it was recapped, art and all, in AF 17), would he review the xmen issues where he and AF (minus Puck and Marrina) showed up to take Wolverine, or would he review AF number 1?
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

  7. #7
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Going by the way he's done recaps in the past, he'd do all of it. From Uncanny X-Men #109 through to Alpha Flight v4 #8.

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  8. #8
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Going by the way he's done recaps in the past, he'd do all of it. From Uncanny X-Men #109 through to Alpha Flight v4 #8.

    ~ Le Messor
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    But I didn't mean if he did a retrospective ( ie rom space knight, teen titans, or blue beetle) I meant if he did an episode during secret origins month (ie cap America number 1, daredevil number 1, all-american comics #16)
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
    But I didn't mean if he did a retrospective ( ie rom space knight, teen titans, or blue beetle) I meant if he did an episode during secret origins month
    ... And the worst part is, I never learned to read!
    Sorry, you were very clear in your message.

    It'd probably be (one of?) the back-up stories from the first 11 issues, since he's mostly done actual origin stories - but maybe UX109 because he also does first appearances. (Or UX120-121, if he's doing the whole team.)

    Maybe v1 #1, since it sort of serves as an origin.

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  10. #10
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    He's just reviewed The Infinity War for Event Comics month.

    Alpha Flight show up onscreen several times, and he even mentions them by name. (There's a possible Sasquatch on a Civil War cover, but it could be Werewolf By Night... after that, though, there are many, many appearances by AF characters.)

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