Poll: Would Alpha Flight succeed as a Movie or TV Show?

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Thread: Alpha Flight TV Show/Movie?

  1. #1

    Default Alpha Flight TV Show/Movie?

    With superhero movies and tv shows ruling the world at the moment .. Do you think Alpha Flight would be most successful now as a movie or a TV show?

    My thoughts that sparked the question ...

    1. Guardians of the Galaxy was a lesser known comic, yet it was made into a movie and got good enough reviews to continue the project. It's currently a cartoon as well.
    - Side Note: If done right, Alpha Flight could take a gamble like Guardians and be the next best thing. If it fails? I have no answer for that. Hopefully someone here does.

    2. (opinion) We do have all these marvel shows on TV with popular characters but it's truly Netflix that's kicking some butt. Maybe there's a reason Supergirl, The Flash and Arrow are "family friendly." Think about how YOU want the series. Dark (netflix) or lightened up for everyone to see (CW)?
    - Side Note: Having it as a TV show gives it a chance to fully tell/express the origin story.

    Just for fun .. Tell me YOUR Alpha Flight

    If they made a movie what story would they tell? Which characters would/should they choose?

    If it was TV show how do you think it would be adapted for TV. A solo character slowly finding the team and introducing everyone's origin story? The entire team is already together and later on in an episode they give an origin story of a single character and so on? Identical to the comics?

  2. #2
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    I'd go the animated series route as it would be cheaper than CG'ing Sasquatch, Box, the Great Beasts, Wendigo, etc. and superhero costumes usually don't translate well into the real world. Plus, the right voice talent can really make a show.

    I would have the team already assembled and flashback to their formation/individual character introduction as the story demands. I wouldn't keep it identical to the comics since AF first showed up in the Uncanny X-men as (sort of) villains. I would prefer they came together as heroes protecting Canada from a threat rather than as hired thugs working for a corrupt gov't agency.

  3. #3


    For every Guardians there's a Catwoman.

    For every Arrow there's a Constantine.

    There's never a guarantee. I highly doubt AF would be well received, personally. I'd like to be proved wrong though.

  4. #4
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    The problem with making an Alpha Flight movie', would be in order to make sense they would almost have to do what they did for the avengers is give the team members their own independent flicks before the final team up movie, and that would not be financially smart as they are nowhere near as recognizable as the Avengers. I could see them doing a Netflix show where the first season is all these 1 hour episodes, each one telling the story of a different AF member before the AF formed, and then the finale is Hudson bringing them all together.

    Episode 1. Essentially this would tell the story of Hudson making the guardian suit, then stealing it when he finds out its purpose. A big key here would be to not let people think hes just a Canadian iron man. This would introduce Mac and Heather as well as Gary Cody
    Episode 2. Sasquatch. Walters origin story, only I'd throw in a supervillian for him to fight at the end unlike the comic
    Episode 3. Northstar/Aurora. I would change their comic origin in that I would not have them be seperated at birth, simply for sake of time and the interests of the casual viewer. I would have them both be raised at the school by the nuns, but NS runs away when he's a teenager. The majority of this episode would take place during NS's separatist days.
    Episode 4. Shaman. Make it the exact same origin story in the comic, almost verbatim. The trick here though is to make the mystic rituals as close to whatever rituals the actual Sarcee medicine men perform, not relying on the comics portrayal. This is to deal with any potential criticism of the native community seeing him as a stereotype and also allow more realism to permeate the story.
    Episode 5. Puck this would be a story half told in flash back. Half would be the black blade of Baghdad story and the other would be The issue 5 puck in hospital tracks down drug dealers story. This two narratives would be interwoven with each other flipping back and forth throughout the episode,
    Episode 6. Snowbird again make the origin verbatim from comics.
    Episode 7. Marrina origin verbatim, but kept the alien nature hidden for reveal.
    Episode 8. Mac begins his search to form alpha flight, here he runs into several b. Characters into what will become Beta Flight: I'm thinking Diamond Lil, one of the Boxes, Wild Child, and two of the others ( I'd love seeing a live action St. Elmo)
    Episode 9. Mac begins assembling the A. team
    episodes 10-12 3 part finale where the team deals with their first threat. likely the marrina master arc, or the plot from First Flight
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Yankee View Post
    The problem with making an Alpha Flight movie', would be in order to make sense they would almost have to do what they did for the avengers is give the team members their own independent flicks before the final team up movie,
    I genuinely don't think any of the Alphans would warrant a solo film.

  6. #6
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I genuinely don't think any of the Alphans would warrant a solo film.
    I agree there. I'm just saying if they throw the Alphans all on screen at once, particularly with no crossover (ie non comic fans) character like wolverine to grab their attention, a team up right at the start wouldn't work either. If they ever make alpha slight, it'll either be as a Netflix series, or an animated series. But neither are very likely to happen.
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

  7. #7


    Alpha's strongest chance is their ties to Wolverine.
    Guardian, Vindicator, Marrina, Shaman, Snowbird & Sasquatch would work as they fit a niche not seen in the Fox-verse (Alien + Mythical aspect).

  8. #8
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Alpha's strongest chance is their ties to Wolverine.
    Guardian, Vindicator, Marrina, Shaman, Snowbird & Sasquatch would work as they fit a niche not seen in the Fox-verse (Alien + Mythical aspect).
    i completey agree on their strongest chance being through Wolverine.
    I think Puck might be able to work as well in that regard, as it is a mystical force that causes his reduced height and remaining forever young. Plus in the comics they always hinted on a shared past between Puck and Wolverine. (albeit according to them they never got a glimpse of each other during that past, as they worked in the shadows).
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

  9. #9


    Netflix. So I voted show. Because they're killing it with Netflix.

  10. #10
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I wouldn't vote Netflix - they work by being dark, gritty, and street-level; three things Alpha shouldn't be.

    ~ Le Messor
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  11. #11

  12. #12
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    I wouldn't vote Netflix - they work by being dark, gritty, and street-level; three things Alpha shouldn't be.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Find a niche and scratch it."
    ~ Anonymous
    I actually agree with that. It should have more of the tone of the avengers in terms of super heroes just doing super heroes things. You can have mature storylines running through out. NOw I have no problem with dark and gritty (my fav character in all of comics is Deadpool for crying out loud) but it and alpha flight don't gel. Like in volume 4 when brainwashed heather blew her cousins brains out and cracked a one liner while doing it, that did not belong at all.
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

  13. #13
    The Erie Canal Warrior Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by seajones View Post
    jack black as puck... movie all the way
    When I think of puck it's a cross between Peter Dinklage and Martin Klebba ( Randall from Scrubs)
    "like Warren Moon before he defected, a perfect spiral!" - Eugene Judd

  14. #14


    Tawmis - I also agree with wanting to see it on Netflix.

    Yankee - Thank you so much for the detailed Season 1 breakdown! If a producer/writer were to see this ... you just made their job A LOT easier.

    Legerd - An animated series wouldn't be a bad idea either. I also agree that it wouldn't be cost effective with all the CGI work that would need to be used. If it was made into an actual live action show I would think they'd do an XMEN Beast type of make up with Sasquatch. Having a 10 foot hairy Hulk would just cost too much. The Flash was able to get away with it 3 different times I believe (2 with the Gorilla and once with the Shark).

    Le Messor - The origin story seems pretty dark to me (Guardian being deceived, Pucks encounter with Black Blade of Raazer, Aurora's mental health). While the entire story may not fit into the Netflix bubble , I do like the idea of seeing it develop in that dark and semi real life world they've created. The fight scenes they've been choreographing on Daredevil have been quite amazing.

  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    The origins aren't Netflix dark. And we don't speak of Raazer.

    ~ Le Messor
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