I'm less worried about the (616) public perception of the team than I am the things they actually did and why.
Running around robbing banks? Not heroic. Even if you're whacked-out on Scooby snacks.

Sedition? Revolution? Depends on who you're rebelling against. Just saying you want a revolution isn't bad in and of itself - we all want to change the world.
The book, however, didn't do enough for me to set up the evilness of the government. They kept saying 'Mind control! Mind control!' - after a while, I started asking: 'So? What's the mind control for?' because the mind control is the tool, not the ends. As much as I don't like the idea of it, they needed more than that to set up the evil. (There was a throwaway line in the final issue about taking over the galaxy; too little, too late.)

Heather's actions - mitigated by mind control. But the writer wasn't.

~ Le Messor
"Gandhi had a sign reading: When you are in the right you can afford to keep your temper; and when you are in the wrong, you cannot afford to lose it."
~ Chester Bowles