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Thread: Article: Alpha Flight To Be Part Of New Captain Marvel Series? *UPDATED*

  1. #1

    Default Article: Alpha Flight To Be Part Of New Captain Marvel Series

  2. #2


    I'm cautiously optimistic.

  3. #3


    So am I.

    A lot of Alpha Flight's problem is that they're considered too linked to Canada for a lot of American readers.
    I think that having the team set in space will actually help that.

    And Agent Carter was very well written.

  4. #4


    Aw, that's terrific news! I'm glad it's in a super-heroine solo title, which makes me feel like all is well with the comic book world. It's like everything all came together for us!

    Space-based Alpha Flight is something we've seen before, not recently, but still it's not unfamiliar territory.

    Not sure which panel at NYCC to catch for this big news. I'm only going one day (because tickets are dmmmmmm hard to get) and I'd prefer not to spend hours waiting around for it.

  5. #5


    As someone pointed out to me on Twitter this could be a big chance to get the Plodex seen as more of a threat in the MU.

  6. #6


    UPDATED with the actual wording used, thanks to CBR.

  7. #7


    Of all books to appear in would have not guessed that. It's going to be great exposure for them with her upcoming movie

    Part of me thinks the master will appear too. She did "kill" him afterall and had a strong connection to the Plodex if they do appear

    *crosses fingers and whispers softly* please treat them with respect.
    Last edited by -K-M-; 09-14-2015 at 12:24 PM.

  8. #8
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Now, this one I'm looking forward to!

    ... though I don't think the movie will do much for Alpha. They generally don't lead to bigger sales (or so I've heard, I don't know) - and won't it be too late?
    I'm hearing Alpha will have a guest appearance in one story, not be running characters in the series?
    (Unless there's a scene where they run, but that's not what I meant and you know it!)

    ~ Le Messor
    "Beer. Now there's a temporary solution."
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    Last edited by Le Messor; 09-14-2015 at 04:33 PM.

  9. #9


    It's a positive step to move AF away from the X-Men though, which puts them firmly in Marvel Studios/Disney territory...

    All the information that was said is the one line that's above, so we don't know how big their involvement is, though it does make them sound like recurring characters.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    Not sure which panel at NYCC to catch for this big news. I'm only going one day (because tickets are dmmmmmm hard to get) and I'd prefer not to spend hours waiting around for it.
    Early to say yet, but there are a few options:

  11. #11
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    When Carol gets to that station, is she going to stay there?

  12. #12


    Sounds like she will stay and be the first line of defence with S.W.O.R.D. (Basically space SHIELD)

  13. #13


    The article says that there's been a lot of designing involved for it, so I'd imagine they'll be using it a fair bit. Especially as it's the hook for the book:
    "Marvel really wanted us to design what her mission is within the universe," says Fazekas. "We know what S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mission is, we know what the Avengers' mission is, we know what Guardians of the Galaxy's mission is. So how does Captain Marvel fit into all that?"
    "This is really meant to be the next level for Captain Marvel," says series editor Sana Amanat. "Carol is really meant to be a soldier and a commander, and also a diplomat. We're really trying to build up this space complex and this space world. You'll really feel like there's an extension of the Avengers world into space, but not necessarily lost out in the Guardians of the Galaxy cosmos. It's rooted in Earth but also an extension into the galaxy."
    "[Marvel] wanted to give her a specific mission," Fazekas continued. "I think they wanted to give Carol her own thing that was hers, separate from the Avengers."
    "One of the first things that happens when she comes to the station is they're going to come upon a ghost ship, what seems to be a ghost ship," says Fazekas. "No crew, or a dead crew. What we'll find out over the first six issues is that it's not a coincidence that it's headed towards Earth and Captain Marvel."
    Sounds like we could get a minimum of 6 issues out of it, worst case scenario, especially as she is pulling double-duty on Earth, as part of The Ultimates...

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Oh, right... Didn't read the 'map your show' article, because I've already wasted too much time online this morning.

    Also, from your original article:
    "This mission involves Carol being on a space station above Earth"
    Keywords: "This mission involves" (emphasis mine).
    Sounded like a one-off story - but if we kinda get an Alpha ongoing, with a headliner who's likelier to sell, yay!
    I know that's kinda the opposite to my take on Northstar And Alpha Flight on the 'How Would People Feel If...?' thread, but I prefer something that doesn't pretend to be Alpha Flight but is to something that pretends to be Alpha Flight but isn't.

    Wait, we're getting the Ultimates, too? In what's going to pass for 616? (Which is, incidentally, the time right now!)

    (Be glad we don't have a 'throwing up' emoji.)

    ~ Le Messor
    "We live in a rainbow of chaos."
    ~ Paul Cezanne

  15. #15


    Yeah, it could go either way.
    It'll be interesting to see who they use. I don't think Shaman & Snowbird will serve much purpose, but could see Mac, Jeffries, Sas, Puck, JP & JM plus some new creations. And again, Marrina as an alien could be a plot point.

    The Ultimates are in title-name only, they're all 616 characters.

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