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Thread: How would people feel if...

  1. #91


    I actually think thats a good idea. Northstar`s not my favorite character but he`s easily the most mainstream character of the group.

  2. #92
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mekko Hotvle View Post
    The most recent issues I read were the 4-part miniseries that had to deal with Her (I actually only read 2 issues of that so far) but that seems to be good so far.
    For the record, when you're looking at your gaps:
    You have (or at least have read) volume 1, issues #97-100. That mini-series is just a newsstand version of those issues (which were direct-sales only).

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  3. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    Mentioning Heather "killing" Snowbird admits that the Mantlo era existed.
    He did some stuff that was all right; but the stuff that he did that was bad, was actually REALLY bad. (Like Killing Snowbird...)

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Less embarrassing than Vol.3.
    Less embarrassing, but no way less painful to read (for the most part).

    Quote Originally Posted by after3 View Post
    I actually think thats a good idea. Northstar`s not my favorite character but he`s easily the most mainstream character of the group.
    Without a doubt, his exposure on the X-Men has made him very main stream; further enhanced when they full embraced his sexuality and gave him a wedding - that put him on the actual NEWS in the United States.

  4. #94
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    For all its problems, 3 isn't my least favourite volume.


    Edit: Garry, looking at your post above, do you sometimes get that thing where you put up your post and all your carriage returns disappear? (That's actually the reason for this edit.)

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    The thing that gets me is when the number "eight" turns into a happy-face for no apparent reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    If they bring up one thing it'll lead to the other.

    Not saying they won't bring the characters back from the dead at some point; comics after all.
    Well, thinking about it a bit more, there are lots of characters from Alpha Flight I hope Marvel doesn't mention any time soon.

    When Alpha Flight first appeared, the problem was creating a team basically from scratch, out of whole cloth. Now, with soooo much history, mentioning one thing will bring up good memories/bad memories, depending on what iteration/stories of Alpha Flight are liked the best. The Mantlo era is still my least-liked run...and that's saying something because Department H owned Alpha Flight in just about every conceivable way in volume 2.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 09-26-2015 at 02:34 PM.

  5. #95
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    The thing that gets me is when the number "eight" turns into a happy-face for no apparent reason.
    That happens when we put a parenthesis after it, like this: 8 ) (space added to prevent that happening). without space.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    Well, thinking about it a bit more, there are lots of characters from Alpha Flight I hope Marvel doesn't mention any time soon.
    You're not wrong... and yet, I can't help thinking that, handled right, even the bad memory characters could be turned.
    I could see me liking stories about even some of my least favourite, if done right. (And I don't mean killed in painful ways.)

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  6. #96


    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    Well, thinking about it a bit more, there are lots of characters from Alpha Flight I hope Marvel doesn't mention any time soon.
    When Alpha Flight first appeared, the problem was creating a team basically from scratch, out of whole cloth. Now, with soooo much history, mentioning one thing will bring up good memories/bad memories, depending on what iteration/stories of Alpha Flight are liked the best. The Mantlo era is still my least-liked run...and that's saying something because Department H owned Alpha Flight in just about every conceivable way in volume 2.
    Well, that may be the "blessing" of when Alpha Flight was killed off (off panel, no less) by the Collective.

    Because when they were brought back after the Chaos War thing, they seemed to be operating simply as Alpha Flight. All the previous baggage could be mentioned, but wouldn't need to be. Nor does it seem like they're tied to Department H. They were simply Canadian Super Heroes, similar to the X-Men (I say X-Men, because the Avengers is frequently tied to the government).

  7. #97


    I never had a problem with Department H or with them being the Administrative arm of AF. Always felt right to me, not an NGO group who came and went. I liked how realistic that was and not like SHIELD, as Stark et al has no need for tax money to run the Avengers and they can be "altruistic" and think they aren't part of the establishment (though it leads to some really, really inane story lines). Having access to Department H and it's resources is good, but maybe it's time to make one of AF the actual head of DEpartment H, and not a bureaucrat. Have Dept H run AF but AF in charge of Dept H, quid pro quo in a new way.
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  8. #98
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    I don't mind either way - part of the government, not part of the government. Both make sense in their own fashion, both have advantages and disadvantages.

    What I don't like is the 'shocking, change-their-world-forever' storylines once a year where they join the government, quit the government, join the government, quit the government. Lather, rinse, repeat.

    ~ Le Messor
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    Last edited by Le Messor; 09-27-2015 at 05:04 PM.

  9. #99


    My only problem - other than what Le Messor noted (off and on again relationship) - is that Department H felt very "X-Files Government" to me.

    I mean, not originally. Originally they were just a government that backed Alpha Flight. But it felt like as writers tried to make use of, or explain, Department H, it just became more and more "The Truth Is Out There" and "We have a billion secrets" and "We must control Alpha Flight."

  10. #100


    I liked the government angle, but it dragged on and needed a resolution that never came because of cancellation.
    I wouldn't want to revisit it,

  11. #101
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    That creepy-government X-Files angle was very common in the 90s.

  12. #102


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    That creepy-government X-Files angle was very common in the 90s.
    Yes it was, probably thanks to X-FILES, actually.

  13. #103


    I recently read West Coast Avengers issues (I forget what issue numbers they were but it was a two-part.) Anyway, I got the issues based on the idea that somehow that AF would be doing a guest appearance since it involved AWC and Wolverine in Canada and Russian's were plotting to start a cold war. Well no AF and they made U.S. Agent seem goofy. end of rant.
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  14. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by after3 View Post
    I actually think thats a good idea. Northstar`s not my favorite character but he`s easily the most mainstream character of the group.
    He is without a doubt the most popular member of Alpha Flight because of the "X"-posure in X-MEN.

  15. #105


    Wouldn't Puck be able to lead AF? Puck is a likable character and I think people would get onboard if it was the Puck and Alpha Flight series. I am not sure how he did leading the Uncanny X-force, so if he did bad leading them, then forget what I said.
    “God made only one of each of us. It's up to us to make the most of our individuality.” Kevin Max

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