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Thread: Forgotten Heroes/Villians

  1. #1

    Default Forgotten Heroes/Villians

    Well it should be no surprise with the various revamps Alpha Flight has developed some characters that have gone the wayside or haven’t been used in a long time. What is your top 5 heroes and top 5 villains who you would like to make a comeback (you can even add the top 5 who you DON’T want to come back)? Just to note they don’t necessarily have to be in Alpha Flight book but used by Marvel (BONUS say which book you would like them to appear in) - Add others if I missed anyone.

    Stipulations: This doesn’t apply to characters who recently appeared so characters prior to Vol.4’s release (July, 2011).

    - BOX (Roger Bochs)
    - Centennial (Rutherford Princeton)
    - Earthmover (Charles “Chuck” Moss)
    - Feedback (Albert Louis)
    - Finch (Toby Wood)
    - Flex (Adrian Corbo)
    - Ghost Girl (Lili Stephenson)
    - Goblyn (Goblyn Dean)
    - Groundhog (Sean Benard)
    - Jade Dragon
    - Manbot (Bernie Lachenay)
    - Manikin (Whitman Knapp)
    - Mar
    - Monroe twins (Jenny & Malcom)
    - Murmur (Arlette Truffaut)

    - Nemesis (Various)
    - Ouija (Bill Astin)
    - Pathway (Laura Dean)
    - Radius (Jared Corbo)
    - Stitch (Jodi Furman)
    - Weapon Omega (Michael Pointer)
    - Wyre (Unrevealed)
    - Yukon Jack (Yukotujakzuejimozoata)

    Deceased: Auric (Zhao Tang), Diamond Lil (Lilian Crawley-Jeffries), Major Mapleleaf II (Louis Sadler Jr), Puck II (Zuzha Yu), Saint Elmo, Silver (Jimon Tang)

    - Auctionner (Unrevealed)
    - Brass Bishop (Various)
    - Carcass
    - China Force (Rabbit, Ox, Rat, Snake)
    - Deadly Ernest
    - Dreamqueen
    - Flashback (Gardner Monroe)
    - Gilded Lily (Lillian von Loont)

    - Hardliners (Reginald Tork)
    - Headlok (Arthur Goddard)
    - Llan the Sorcerer
    - Mauvais (Jean-Pierre)
    - Pestilence(F.R. Crozier)
    - Plodex
    - Razer
    - Rok
    - Wild Child (Kyle Gibney)
    - Witchfire (Ananym)
    - Weapon P.R.I.M.E. (Various)

    Deceased: Bedlam (Unrevealed), BOX II (Jerry Jaxon), Breakdown (Unrevealed), Freakout (Unrevealed), Janus (Unrevealed), Scramble, the Mixed-up Man (Lionel Jeffries), Smart Alec (Alexander Thorne), Weapon X III (Unrevealed)
    My List of characters I would like to come back:

    1. Monroe twins
    2. Diamond Lil
    3. Earthmover

    4. Feedback
    5. Ghost Girl

    1. Dreamqueen
    2. Witchfire
    3, Scramble

    4. Gilded Lily
    5. Wild Child

    Last edited by -K-M-; 05-30-2015 at 08:30 PM.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    It's weird, but (and I've just reread that in my New Warriors reread) only one of Silver/Auric died, at least in an issue - but later, they were both spoken about as dead.

    "Ouija (Bill Astin)"... Wait, Ouija's a dude?

    On to the question:
    Earthmover (one of very few legacy characters in Marvel, let alone Alpha)
    Jade Dragon (I love me some dwaggins!)
    Gilded Lily

    Of course, I'd love to see them all in a well-done Alpha Flight book . Failing that, it'd be nice to see them used to their potential.

    Also, I wouldn't put China Force as villains - they're just like Alpha in their first appearance. They were rivals to 'our' team, but good guys working for their government to bring back one of their own. (We could stand to see them again, but I'm not yearning for it.)

    ~ Le Messor
    "Although men are accused of not knowing their own weakness, yet perhaps as few know their own strength. It is in men as in soils, where sometimes there is a vein of gold which the owner knows not of."
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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Deceased: Bedlam (Unrevealed), BOX II (Jerry Jaxon), Breakdown (Unrevealed), Freakout (Unrevealed), Janus (Unrevealed), Scramble, the Mixed-up Man (Lionel Jeffries), Smart Alec (Alexander Thorne), Weapon X III (Unrevealed)
    Freakout (Arthur Van Krijg), Janus (Willem Vincent), Breakdown (Esme Fernando) all received real names in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Update #5. Bedlam (William Nowlan) received a real name in the Marvel Atlas #2 and Rok (Damon Mathias) in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Hardcover Vol. 13.

    As far as forgotten heroes/villains returnees i wouldn't mind seeing all of them make an enventual return along with

    Box IV (Roger Bochs, Jr.) from Avengers: The Hunt.
    Validator's Omega Flight from the Avengers.
    Weapon P.R.I.M.E. from X-Force.
    Canada Corp's hero team (Puck-Man, Ms. Puck-Man, Beaver and Moositaur from Deadpool #1000.
    A few other Canadian characters i would like to see as well (Transonic (Laurie Tromette), Living Totem (Whistle Pig), Cascade (Ross Kinkaid) and Prodigy (Timothy Wilkerson) recently depowered by Doc Green/Hulk.

    Also Dragonfire (Zaoxing) and Coldmoon (Wanxia) from the Avengers story in the Point One issue could be tied to Auric/Gold and Silver and added to a new Beta/Gamma Flight.
    Last edited by Le Messor; 05-29-2015 at 08:15 PM. Reason: Adds

  5. #5


    Whoa, Ranger1966 comes out of nowhere with a hyper-detailed mega-hardcore Alpha Flight fan post! Welcome to the boards! That's some first post.

    Heroes (I'd like an all-kids team, a Beta Flight):
    1. Manikin
    2. Radius
    3. Flex

    4. Murmur
    5. Ghost Girl
    6. Mar
    7. Pathway

    1. Scramble
    2. Plodex
    3. The Master (I know he's not listed but I like him as the classic AF villian for my Beta Flight team)

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  6. #6
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    Whoa, Ranger1966 comes out of nowhere with a hyper-detailed mega-hardcore Alpha Flight fan post! Welcome to the boards! That's some first post.
    Yah! There was a bunch of stuff in there I didn't even know. Moositaur? That's awesome.

    Apologies, though, Ranger - I've edited your post. All I've done is remove most of the quoted text from K-M, since there was a lot of it and it's still showing in the beginning of the thread (I left in the part about the deceased with unknown names).

    Welcome aboard, and sorry I did that to you as a welcome. :/

    ~ Le Messor
    "People do not change with the times; they change the times."
    ~ P.K. Shaw

  7. #7


    I should have edited it myself so i appreciate you doing it for me and thanks for the welcomes

  8. #8
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Live and learn.
    Also, you're welcome for the thank you for the welcome.

    Also also: Is it Auctionner or Auctioneer?

  9. #9



    Dream Queen (by a country mile, best Alpha villain)
    Omega Flight
    - Wild Child
    - Diamond Lil
    - Smart ALec
    - Flash Back
    - Box
    - Witch Fire
    China Force

  10. #10
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Ranger1966 rocks!

    Heroes I'd like to see come back, well-done:

    (1 & 2) Jimon and Zhao Tang
    (3) Diamond Lil/Lillian Crawley (wouldn't mind if she were an AF adversary)
    (4) Chuck Moss/Earthmover (in conflict with the Norse equivalent from the X-Men/AF 2-parter "The Gift")
    (5) Roger Bochs (not crazy)

    Villians I'd like to see come back, well-done:

    (1) Dreamqueen
    (2) Witchfire
    (3) Scorpio (and the Zodiac, which would make it more than 5, I know)
    (4) Pestilence
    (5) Bedlam

    Characters I don't want to come back

    (1) SCRAMBLE
    (2) Rok
    (3) Auctioneer
    (4) China Force
    (5) Jade Dragon
    (5+) Razer
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 06-03-2015 at 12:40 PM. Reason: Couldn't forget RAZeR (or however it was spelled during the Mantlo era)
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  11. #11




    Gilded Lily
    China Force

  12. #12


    Feedback (could be a quite useful and powerful character, in many ways)
    Box, Jr. (Need Box back)
    Flinch (Can really help give new direction to the team with his powers)
    Ghost Girl (ditto)
    Killjoy of Weapon P.R.I.M.E.
    [Earthmover as a possible if the team goes mystic (Shaman, Puck, Snowbird, Talisman; after all mutants, inhumans, advanced humans, why not a team of magic?)]

    Dreamqueen (so, so much can be done with her)
    Omega Flight (villains, back under the Master's control)
    Hardliners (another group to fight)
    Witchfire (with Persuasion, who works well as a villain)
    Plodex (needs explaining)
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  13. #13


    One of the great things I really liked about Byrne's Alpha Flight was the whole family aspect to it.
    You had Mac & Heather who were man and wife, JP & JM who were siblings, Shaman who was essentially a father to Snowbird (more so than he actually was to his own daughter, who in turn went on to join the team)

    Post-Byrne we had Pathway & Goblyn which was a very unique take on siblings and family drama, the Jeffries brothers, Heather adopting Purple Girl.

    Later on we had Flex who was intended to be Wolverine's son, and Wolverine was practially family to Mac & Heather at one point.
    We've had Puck II and Major Maple Leaf II continuing that legacy theme along with Mar, and then we've seen the Munroe twins, Box Jr & Validator.

    I'd really like to see some kind of Alpha Flight 2099-esque team, although maybe nearer to Alpha Flight 2029 in actual time:

    Flex (as leader)
    Chuck Moss
    Box Jr
    Mar (as some kind of genderfluid plodex, similar to Xavin in Runaways)
    The previously unseen son of Walt Langkowski in some capacity
    Claire Hudson from the future ala Franklin Richards, who is revealed as a mutant.

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Shaman who was essentially a father to Snowbird (more so than he actually was to his own daughter, who in turn went on to join the team)
    ... and who was essentially a sister to Heather.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    The previously unseen son of Walt Langkowski in some capacity
    I used to think that'd turn out to be Wild Child.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years."
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  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    One of the great things I really liked about Byrne's Alpha Flight was the whole family aspect to it.
    I'd really like to see some kind of Alpha Flight 2099-esque team, although maybe nearer to Alpha Flight 2029 in actual time:

    Flex (as leader)
    Chuck Moss
    Box Jr
    Mar (as some kind of genderfluid plodex, similar to Xavin in Runaways)
    The previously unseen son of Walt Langkowski in some capacity
    Claire Hudson from the future ala Franklin Richards, who is revealed as a mutant.

    I LOVE everything you just said! Absolutely second that! I'd love for them to take on society issues as well. Things like social inequalities, transgendered issues, religion, faith vs science... anything to push bounderies beyond the regular violence and sexy bodies we see in comics now.

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