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Thread: The Flash (Spoiler free)

  1. #1

    Default The Flash (Spoiler free)

    So, my knowledge of The Flash doesn't come from reading Flash comics - never have.

    Oh, I've read about him in a few Justice League issues I have purchased, now and then, over the last twenty years or so. Yup, there he is, part of the team, the guy who runs really fast and yucks it up on occasion.

    And I also own this series, , which I thought was actually pretty cool, especially for its time.

    But that pretty much is the limit of my knowledge of Barry Allen.

    Then comes The Flash tv show, which debuted tonight. As an Arrow fan, I thought his introduction in that series last season was cool. Wasn't sure how it was going to pan out in the long run (pun intended), however.

    The debut episode of the new television series The Flash, was far beyond what I expected. Unlike other series out there (ahem! Agents of SHIELD. Ahem!), you're very quickly pulled in, because you care about the characters. The plot was good, they introduced everyone you need to know in the first hour, they established quickly who the characters were and what their personalities are. The villains were intriguing, the origin story compelling; it was everything a superhero story should be. (Maybe I should let Agents of SHIELD off the hook; after all, they aren't a superhero show, they are a super-spy show, and that is probably WHY I don't care for it all that much!)

    I don't profess to have an over-abundance (uberbundance?) of knowledge about the Flash, but they managed to throw in two easter eggs that made the hairs on my neck stand up in giddy fanboy love (one involving an escaped prisoner, and the other involving the name of an experimental airfield; nuff said!).

    If you haven't given this show a chance yet (and, I know, its early yet), I would strongly advise you to plan on doing so. This show may just be the next Arrow.

    The Flash - must see television.
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  2. #2


    Cool. Thanks for the review. I will check it out based on your sage advice.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  3. #3
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I'm definitely hoping to see it as soon as I can.
    Which I don't know when that is.

    ~ Le Messor
    "[Andy] Grove giveth and [Bill] Gates taketh away."
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  4. #4


    I really didn't enjoy it.

    It was extremely predictable, cliché and boring for me.
    There's definitely potential and maybe it's a slow-starter like Arrow was but for me it was less interesting than Gotham or AoS.
    It'll do well though & I can see kids loving it, much like I loved Lois & Clark growing up, it's just not for me.

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