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Thread: National Heroes vs. ISIS

  1. #1

    Default National Heroes vs. ISIS

    I posted this in the Marvel threads of the CBR forums, just wanted to see the opinion over here.

    I know this is a crazy idea coming out from left field but thought it could be a cool idea. Back in WWII comic book heroes helped fight in the war, you know Captain America punching Hitler on the jaw etc etc.

    Now with the ongoing crisis in the Middle East involving ISIS with a coalition of nations looking to take them down could we not see a team up of national heroes to help in the fight?

    Like I said its crazy and wont happen but would you read a series about a team up of national heroes?

    Possible Members:

    Captain America
    Union Jack
    Guardian / Vindicator
    Batroc the Leaper
    Captain Britain
    Arabian Knight
    Iron Patriot

    Would you add some, remove any?

  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Well, I might cut the British back to just Captain Britain, and ditch Wolverine. Then maybe add Shamrock.

    Maybe Peregrine (a hero) instead of Batroc (a villain).

    Blitzkrieg, for the Germans, and Vanguard or Darkstar for the Russians.

    ~ Le Messor
    "The other day I was putting the cat out, and I thought to myself I don't have a cat."
    ~ True story.

  3. #3


    I like the idea. I don't think Marvel would ever do it... but I'd read it.

    I would switch out Wolverine, Union Jack, and Batroc... and then put in Peregrine, Blitzkreig, and Ursa Major.
    I'd also throw in Sabra... now that would be a story.
    The Flight Forever !

  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alphan East View Post
    I would switch out Wolverine, Union Jack, and Batroc... and then put in Peregrine, Blitzkreig, and Ursa Major.
    Hey! Those are like my picks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alphan East View Post
    I'd also throw in Sabra... now that would be a story.
    ... but I have no excuse for not thinking of her.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Great minds think alike... and so do ours."

  5. #5


    I would remove anyone who wasn't Alpha Flight and replace them with all Alpha Flight.

    Then it would be the best team ever, best possible.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  6. #6


    Staying away completely from the political side of it, I've always liked the concept of a Worldwide Superhero Council akin to NATO (but more world-reaching) so definitely like the concept, even if not as a strikeforce.
    I was intrigued by Pak & Van Lente's idea of the Commonwealth of Heroes so that was a shame it never got used.

    You'd have to have your basic flag-wearing symbols (/deputies or alternate members when roles revolve):
    Captain America (/US Agent)
    Captain Britain (/Union Jack)
    Guardian (/Vindicator)
    Red Guardian (/Vanguard)

    Jade Dragon (Personal bias there, I suppose Collective Man would be more appropriate)
    Arabian Knight

    And for the MU fictionalised world:
    Black Panther
    Dr Doom

  7. #7


    I like that concept too, but unlike Phil, I would totally approach the issues that are "taboo" at family diner, like politics, religions, freedom of speech and Aunt Catherine's drinking problem. It would give depth to the realistic aspect of the story, but with superheroes

  8. #8


    I get realism, I just don't think we should turn this thread into discussion of the ISIS situation.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I get realism, I just don't think we should turn this thread into discussion of the ISIS situation.
    Fair enough, I get that How's the weather?

  10. #10
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sypes View Post
    I like that concept too, but unlike Phil, I would totally approach the issues that are "taboo" at family diner, like politics, religions, freedom of speech and Aunt Catherine's drinking problem. It would give depth to the realistic aspect of the story, but with superheroes
    In issue #5, Dr Doom calls together Phil's Taskforce to fight... Aunt Catherine's drinking problem!

  11. #11


    Great idea. I would buy that comic!

  12. #12


    But little did they know Aunt Catherin's drinking problem was the only thing dulling her true terrible secret... an otherworldly power within her that they unwittingly unleash! *dun dun dun* Who will save this city from this mayhem?
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
    -FlightPath07 Don't you feel all important now?

  13. #13


    I was just reading that the Blackwater Mercenaries who murdered Iraqi civilians have been been sentenced, which was a pleasant surprise... Anyhow, in the comments section there were other 'contractors' supporting the actions of the Blackwater contractors, and insulting the military. Really got me thinking that would be a great angle for a modern capes in war type book, having villains hired by corrupt governments as mercenaries, protected and legitimized as long as they carry out orders. I could see the heroes getting involved to stop the mercenaries but being labeled the villains because they are defying the governments who hired the 'contractors'. Could be pretty juicy material.

    At one point under Bush, two American contractors of the industrial sort were thrown in Guantanamo after they tried to report fellow contractors to the government for selling arms to our own enemies. There's some really dirty dealings that go on with how my government uses 'contractors' in war.
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
    -FlightPath07 Don't you feel all important now?

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