• The Future Of Alpha Flight?

    *This article contains spoilers for today's Avengers #0 - Please don't read ahead unless you mind having Alpha Flight's involvement discussed*

    Last month it was revealed that Alpha Flight would be appearing in the pages of Captain Marvel, as part of the All-New, All-Different Marvel line-up.

    Captain Marvel, being Marvel's premier female superhero at the moment is quite rightly appearing in various books, as part of the team of A-Force and The Ultimates.

    The All-New, All-Different Marvel era begins today, and with it comes Avengers (2015) #0 - a 49 page $5.99 oneshot that gives 6 prelude stories to the forthcoming Avengers titles - Squadron Supreme, New Avengers, All-New, All-Different Avengers, A-Force, Uncanny Avengers, and The Ultimates.

    The A-Force story, by writer G. Willow Wilson and artist Victor Ibanez focuses on Captain Marvel and gives a glimpse into the setting for Danvers' solo book.

    In fact, the title is listed as 'Captain Marvel & Alpha Flight'

    The story opens at the 'Alpha Flight low orbit space station' and we get shown various background staff who are clearly shown as wearing AF patched jackets

    And that's pretty much it as far as AF are concerned; we don't get to see any existing characters or even get names for the background staff.

    However, the story is quite clearly a Captain Marvel one, leading to events in A-Force rather than her own solo title, and it's a brief prelude as part of an anthology book so it's not cause for distress.

    The story itself is definitely a well written, nice taster and sets the scene for Alpha Flight's adventures in space but fans expecting to see their favourite characters may be hesitant to spent $5.99 on it, especially with 4 covers.

    It's definitely a positive that Marvel are pushing the title into this part of it's universe, especially with a Captain Marvel film on the horizon.

    Captain Marvel #1 is currently scheduled for January 2016, with new details possibly revealed this weekend at NYCC.
    Comments 131 Comments
    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      Quote Originally Posted by Canucklehead View Post
      #12 And one shall surely die! (What? It's tradition!)
      #13 $$$ Profit

      Also, it'll be really cool if your prediction comes true - and not outside the realm of possibility.
    1. Mokole's Avatar
      Mokole -
      Sounds more and more like it's a fake-out. OK, I really mean "a lie".
    1. -K-M-'s Avatar
      -K-M- -
      I really was hoping to be wrong
    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      If it was a fake-out, I might not be able to enjoy the series, even if it's good. It'll just fill me with bad feeling and reminders every time I read it.

      (IF it's a fake-out.)
    1. Sypes's Avatar
      Sypes -
      I'll stay positive! If they used the term "Alpha Flight", whether it's a new team or not, at least they are trying to put it more front and centre. I agree that they may be trying to take them away from X-men, and more in line with Avengers for movies, tv, etc... That being said, at least they are trying Better than nothing
    1. cmdrkoenig67's Avatar
      cmdrkoenig67 -
      unfortunately, I'm still seeing a "fake out" thing going on...Marvel using the Alpha Flight name for a group that isn't our favorite Canadian heroes, re-purposing the name for a spaceship flight squad...And hinting to Alpha Flight fans that it's what we hope it is.

      I hope I'm really wrong about this...I'd love to see familiar Alpha Flight faces using the name in a series again.
    1. Phil's Avatar
      Phil -
      The fact that they titled the story 'Captain Marvel & Alpha Flight' is the only thing that makes me worry...
    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
      And hinting to Alpha Flight fans that it's what we hope it is.
      Yeah... IF it turns out that it's not even pretending to be AF this time, this is what will really get to me.
      (IF. We still don't know.)

      ~ Le Messor
      Engineer at the Advanced Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip:
      "But what ... is it good for?"
    1. Legerd's Avatar
      Legerd -
      So, if they do go the route of making Alpha Flight a squadron of fighters and not our favourite heroes, do you think we may see AF under a new name?
    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      Not while the pilot squadron is around.
    1. Phil's Avatar
      Phil -
      Omega Flight?
      Avengers North?
    1. cmdrkoenig67's Avatar
      cmdrkoenig67 -
      Canadian Shield? LOL...John Byrne's original name for the team, which wouldn't really work, considering the confusion it may cause to S.H.I.E.L.D. fans.

      Anyway, I'd love to see them back...My heart is saying "Yes! Alpha Flight!", but my head is saying "beware".
    1. Canucklehead's Avatar
      Canucklehead -
      Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
      Not while the pilot squadron is around.
      They took our name? We'll take theirs!

    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
    1. Legerd's Avatar
      Legerd -
      I'd read it.
    1. -K-M-'s Avatar
      -K-M- -
      haha amazing
    1. Canucklehead's Avatar
      Canucklehead -
      Or for more brand recognition:

    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      Again, rofl!

      ('The' Canada.)
      That's good work, and so quick!
    1. Canucklehead's Avatar
      Canucklehead -
      OK, last one. This flu is kicking my butt. At least I can tell my boss I was productive

    1. -K-M-'s Avatar
      -K-M- -
      Haha well done. Well done