• Review - Avengers #10 - SPOILERS

    Issue: Avengers #10 (Volume 5)
    Writer: Jonathan Hickman
    Artist: Mike Deodato
    Cover: Dustin Weaver
    Date Published: 04/24/2013

    The story begins when Ex Nihilo, a powerful entity and the creator of the “Garden” on Mars, fires his “Origin Bombs” at Earth in attempt to prompt an enhancement in evolution. These projectiles land in Perth, Australia and Regina, Canada completely changing the biospheres of the impact zones. In retaliation Department H sends a newly created Omega Flight, which includes a Wendigo, an automation named BOXX, and two humanoid members, Kingdom and the team’s leader Validator, to investigate.

    Upon arriving in the infected city, BOXX and Wendigo are quickly overtaken and a dome suddenly forms around the city preventing escape. Eventually all communication with the team is severed except for a final message from Validator warning any others to stay away.

    One month later, Department H in co-operation with S.H.I.E.L.D. calls in the Avengers, who were part of the containment team that dealt with the fallout of the Garden’s attack on Earth, to enter the city. Under the leadership of Department H Agent Robert Michaud and the teleportation abilities of Eden the recovery team successfully enters the city and are greated by miniature creatures which lead the team to Validator.

    In her presence time begins to alter and enhance, sometimes 30 years in advance and back. Validator approaches Agent Michaud whispering into his ear and suddenly the city vanishes. Now outside of the city’s influence, Agent Michaud upon hearing the words of his daughter, “The system is now online” decides to take his life in order to protect her trigging a chain of events that will no doubt be discussed in further issues.

    Overall an interesting story, but it was mostly a set-up issue for whats to come. What I did enjoy the most was the respect shown to Department H, putting them on the same level of S.H.I.E.L.D. Also Agent Michaud was the breakout character and for the amount of time he was present I was really intriqued in the character. There's a reason he is front and center on the cover with his daughter [Validator].

    The art in the book is easy to follow and the rendition of Wendigo is probably one of the best I have seen. However, I wasn’t a huge fan of this new rendition of Omega Flight as they are not really addressed and some of their designs are bland or have been done before. Though I am grateful they were used in this story rather then Alpha Flight as they were created to be fodder.

    So in summary this was an okay issue, but it appears Validator is going to be a predominate character in the future, so it may be worth it to pick it up to see where the story started.

    Comments 27 Comments
    1. cmdrkoenig67's Avatar
      cmdrkoenig67 -
      Chris, the Winter Guard appeared later in Secret Avengers, so they survived.

    1. Flightpath07's Avatar
      Flightpath07 -
      Um...out of curiosity (didn't that land on Mars...and kill a cat?)...in what context is the Validator appearance in issue 14? Obviously, she is still alive. Any word on the rest of her team? Any sense of her being used more next issue, etcetera?
    1. Phil's Avatar
      Phil -
      Basically, #14 (&15) connect up everything that's happened in the series so far and lead in to the next Marvel event: Infinity.

      A mysterious signal is sent to all of the Garden Sites around the world, and is shown interacting with them all and failing, apart from one.

      Validator is shown in one panel from the head down to just below her neck, in a very sinister coloured mood and with either goggles on or something has happened to her face.

      And that's it.

      The rest of her team is pretty much guaranteed to be dead. I'd say we'll definitely see her again, but can't say how major her role.
    1. Flightpath07's Avatar
      Flightpath07 -
      Thanks Phil.
    1. Phil's Avatar
      Phil -

      Spidey616 had a one-two punch starting with "Earlier in Jonathan Hickman's Avengers run he introduced and subsequently killed off a new incarnation of the Canadian team Omega Flight, except for member Validator. Does she have some role in Infinity or knowing Hickman does he have some other story plan for her in the future?"Alonso: Jonathan does everything for a reason, Spidey616, as I'm sure you've realized by now. So you'll be seeing Validator again in the future -- you can count on it.
    1. Ahab's Avatar
      Ahab -
      What happened to Kingdom? I didn't buy the issues but am curious.
    1. Flightpath07's Avatar
      Flightpath07 -
      Quote Originally Posted by Ahab View Post
      What happened to Kingdom? I didn't buy the issues but am curious.
      Hickman's Kingdom fell. Collapsed, really. Was over-run, and possibly overthrown.