• AlphaFlight.net Wants YOU!

    That's right, readers; Consider this a Canadian-Call-To-Arms!*

    AlphaFlight.net is the greatest fan-run resource to Marvel's Premier Canadian Superhero team, and it's characters, on the internet and has existed in various forms since the mid 90's, gaining mentions in Wizard Magazine and in the pages of Alpha Flight itself.
    During that time we've worked to keep you up to date with all the latest Alpha-related news as it happens, as well as bringing you Exclusives from Marvel and Interviews with creators such as Mark Millar, Scott Lobdell, Dale Eaglesham and many more.

    But none of this would be possible without you.

    As a website for the fans, by the fans, we're built upon our contributions and conversations from each and every one of you, no matter how small.

    As a registered member of the site you can contribute to any of the threads on the forum, upload fan art or commissions to the gallery, create a news article, update the Alphanex Wiki or submit a review of an issue old or new.

    Whether you're brand new to the team or you've been along for the ride since 1979 BC (that's Byrne/Claremont, obviously ) we'd love to hear from you.

    If contributing isn't your thing then feel free to 'Like' our articles on Facebook using the widget at the top or Retweet our @AlphaFlight_net Twitter account.

    To those of you who are already part of our Flight family, we're grateful for all of you and hope that you continue to stick with us for whatever the future holds.

    (On behalf of the entire AlphaFlight.net team)

    *Please note: You don't have to be Canadian!
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. Sypes's Avatar
      Sypes -
      This site is the first site I look at every day (even before I open my work systems)! And that is thanks to you Phil, and everyone else who contributes to this site! Thanks for all the amazing work!
    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      You really don't have to be Canadian! We have people from as far south as Buffalo! Detroit! Syracuse!

      and, yeah, keep up the posting and the articles and the galleries everybody.

      ~ Le Messor
      "It's time for me to act like a man... and hide."
      ~ Xander
    1. Alphan East's Avatar
      Alphan East -
      There is only one site that I log into EVERY SINGLE TIME I go online. Its not Facebook, its not TSN, its not Wikipedia... it AlphaFlight.net !!!
    1. Phil's Avatar
      Phil -
      Again folks, we're always after your input...