• Marvel Universe Puck Figure Solicited

    This month's Diamond Previews Catalog includes the Solicitation for the long-awaited Puck action figure.

    Page 406 of the January 2013 catalog features an advert for the March 2013 launch of the figures, orderable by wave.

    The figure comes with a Snowbird-in-bird-form attachment and a collectible card of the Puck-centric cover to Volume 1 Issue 5 and also features new, original packaging artwork by Mike Deodato Jr:

    Comments 43 Comments
    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      I'm glad the reviewer (mostly) seemed to like it; but, yeah, I did feel a little ripped paying $20 (Aud) for such a small figure.
      But it's Puck! I'm glad to do it!

      ~ Le Messor
      "Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands."
      ~ Seneca
    1. Phil's Avatar
      Phil -
      Yeah, I was slightly annoyed as about a month after I got it from my LCS I found it at our equivalent of Walmart, who have suddenly started doing the line apparently, for £5 less.
    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      Ouch. *wince*... I'd only been searching in the LCS, so on a trip to Sydney I went to a toy store. It was the first place I found it, so I got it there. (There are at least two toy stores in town that I know of, plus K-Marts and the like... I probably could've found it cheaper.)

      ~ LM
      "Let's drink, death is inevitable."
      ~ Seneca the Elder