• Alonso, Liu & Perkins Talk Marriage at CBR

    Over at Comic Book Resources, Dave Richards talks to Editor In Chief Axel Alonso, and current Astonishing X-Men creative team Marjorie Liu and Mike Perkins about the historic same-sex wedding of Jean-Paul and Kyle in the pages of Astonishing X-Men #51 following the proposal in #50;

    Some choice excerpts are:

    Liu: Ah, the age-old question of love! Sometimes, you just love someone, and there are a million reasons why -- and sometimes, all those million reasons why you love someone and admire them can become the very things that irritate you the most. Kyle admires the fact that Northstar saves lives -- but because he's a superhero and saves lives, that takes him away from Kyle -- a lot -- and puts him into dangerous situations. Who wouldn't be stressed by that? Kyle, on the other hand, is Northstar's human heart -- he's good, capable, and strong -- which is something that Northstar loves and craves. But it's that same down-to-earth quality that creates tension, because their communication styles are so very different. Will the problems that exist between them be resolved? That remains to be seen, but going into "Astonishing" #51 we'll see their commitment to try, and that's the heart of any good relationship.
    I also imagine we'll see some of Northstar's former Alpha Flight team mates. Marjorie and Mike, what's it like writing and drawing these characters? What do you find interesting about them? And will the issue offer you a chance to comment on the fallout from Greg Park and Fred Van Lente's recent "Alpha Flight" miniseries?

    Liu: I really loved writing Aurora, whose character holds a very interesting mix of strength and vulnerability. And no, no commentary on the aftermath of the "Alpha Flight" miniseries.

    Perkins: I'm a big Alpha Flight fan so getting to illustrate those characters, albeit briefly, has been a little bit of a fanboy dream for me!

    Comments 2 Comments
    1. Phil's Avatar
      Phil -
      So, looking at Perkins' comments AF actually appear inside as well as on the cover!
    1. cmdrkoenig67's Avatar
      cmdrkoenig67 -