• Issue #2 Solicitation

    Here's the solicit for AF #2:

    Written by FRED VAN LENTE & GREG PAK
    Penciled by DALE EAGLESHAM
    Cover by PHIL JIMENEZ
    Variant Cover by DALE EAGLESHAM

    Alpha Flight… traitors??? After saving their country from the hammer-wielding XXXXX, The Flight are captured by
the newly risen Unity Party and branded as traitors. Now they must escape from the bowels of the top-secret facility, Department H, they once called home. In doing so they must confront the shocking betrayal of one of their core members -- and discover an imprisoned hero readers have clamored to see since this series was announced! The red-hot writing team of Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente and artistic legend Dale Eaglesham continue their highly-anticipated resurrection of one of Marvel’s most beloved super hero teams in a story that absolutely cannot be missed!

    FINAL ORDER CUT-OFF 6/20, (ON-SALE 7/13/11)
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Issue #2 Solicitation started by Legerd View original post
    Comments 58 Comments
    1. DelBubs's Avatar
      DelBubs -
      Obviously you are not a Jaded Oldie Many years ago there was a program called Dallas that for a whole season had one of the main characters as dead. This did not go down well with fans, so the writers retconned the whole thing by having that whole season being nothing more than a dream by the dead characters wife. In the last episode of that season she wakes up, goes to the shower and finds him a alive. The Character was played by Patrick Duffy, who also played 'The Man From Atlantis'. Ergo, Webbed Hands, Patrick and Shower. Pucks Demon inside was nothing but a dream. It's no fun when you have to explain things
    1. Flightpath07's Avatar
      Flightpath07 -
      I remember Dallas, but never actually watched it.
    1. cmdrkoenig67's Avatar
      cmdrkoenig67 -
      Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
      I dunno. It wasn't that long ago that we were told that the reason Puck was in Hell, was because of all those years he spent with a nasty demon/sorcerer inside of him.
      I thought they left it rather vague as to why Eugene was in hell? Was there specific mention of Puck being demon canned goods?

    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
      I thought they left it rather vague as to why Eugene was in hell? Was there specific mention of Puck being demon canned goods?
      Not in the actual issues, no. It was mentioned in interviews and online and stuff.

      - Le Messor
      Spike: I wish I was dead.
      Buffy: Well, if you close your eyes and wish real hard...
    1. cmdrkoenig67's Avatar
      cmdrkoenig67 -
      Ah. I. C.
    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      Icy? But you're in the northern hemisphere!
    1. MajorMountie's Avatar
      MajorMountie -
      Well, it is Canada we be speakin' of.
    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      Of course!
    1. cmdrkoenig67's Avatar
      cmdrkoenig67 -
      I'm in Maine...That's almost into Canada...One might say "hugged" by Canada.

    1. Banshee's Avatar
      Banshee -
      I now think Mac is the traitor. Reading this thread, it makes sense that he would go the Government line. And Puck will be the imprisoned hero. I think Mac will be back to good in the end. Hope Heather kicks his arse!
    1. Phil's Avatar
      Phil -
      The whole 'Snowbird being a demi-God and thus not interested in mortal politics' (paraphrased) comments that have been mentioned in various interviews has me considering her now.
    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
      The whole 'Snowbird being a demi-God and thus not interested in mortal politics' (paraphrased) comments that have been mentioned in various interviews has me considering her now.
      Doesn't follow, though, since she's spent her entire life (all six years of it) on Earth. Specifically, Canada.
      Somebody as bound to the land as she is would take a great interest, I'd think, in the running of it.

      - Le Messor
      "I wouldn’t be surprised if someday some fishermen caught a big shark and cut it open, and there inside was a whole person. Then they cut the person open, and in him is a little baby shark. And in the baby shark there isn’t a person, because it would be too small. But there’s a little doll or something, like a Johnny Combat little toy guy-something like that."
      ~ Jack Handey
    1. varo's Avatar
      varo -
      i think its going to be heather. fvl said he jumped on with issue #5 which was when mac was still alive and the leader of the team, he also said that he wanted to really develop mac's character and establish him as a strong leader. so i doubt its mac.

      heather would make sense, because cody knows and trusts her and she probably will try and be alpha spy from the inside.

      just a hunch.
    1. Flightpath07's Avatar
      Flightpath07 -
      Northstar. Anything to get his boyfriend back.
    1. suzene's Avatar
      suzene -
      Aurora: May be harboring the traitor and not even know it.
      Heather: It would be one hell of a way to get out from under Mac's shadow.
      Mac: Is still wrapped in the friggin' flag.
      Marrina: Plodex mood swings? (Yeah, reaching for that one)
      Northstar: Has, according to interviews, lost everything and will do "anything" to get it back. Also has a history of telling AF to stuff it anyway.
      Puck: Possessed by a demon, which means he'll likely take any means to an end. Alternatively, time in Hell might change a guy.
      Sasquatch: Long, loooooooong history of making well-intentioned, poorly considered decisions.
      Snowbird: Demi-goddess. "Not interested in mortal politics". May have much larger concerns than team loyalty.

      Shaman's about the only one who doesn't seem to have an obvious reason to betray the team, which of course, makes him extra likely to be culprit.
    1. Legerd's Avatar
      Legerd -
      I'm going with it being a new personality of Aurora's, a male one she isn't necessarily aware of.
    1. Le Messor's Avatar
      Le Messor -
      Quote Originally Posted by suzene View Post
      Shaman's about the only one who doesn't seem to have an obvious reason to betray the team, which of course, makes him extra likely to be culprit.
      So true!
    1. Mokole's Avatar
      Mokole -
      Maybe more likely now that it's an ex-member who betrays them and makes them out to be bad guys... Persuasion, Manikin, Windshear, a lot out there. But one wonders....